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Posts posted by aggie4life

  1. Hey aggie do you ever have anything positive to say are do you just get on here to complain and whine all the time. i got an idea get behind your team or move.

    I was positive to the kids,they are great,it is the powers that be that have there head so far up their A---- they can not see the students. The kids are not being served as they should.You Must be one of the board members being mentioned. The truth hurts. If Walt does not have the support of the entire board this will be tuff for him.Someone always looking over his shouder. Look at the damage one board member has done in the last few years by taken care of family.

  2. The powers at HF did an injustice to the young men playing football by having them learn a new offense and Def. for the last month only to learn that it will change again with less than 2 weeks of school left.Why would they string the coach along and put the boys further behind. Broussard making the move to WOS what a step up! Good luck to coach Mangan, I hope that you can turn around a program that has been allowed to run out of control in a downhill spiral.

  3. A district that is hurting for money and can not offer certin classes and sub-standard equipment because there is no money. And the entire boys athletic program has been on the decline for the past 5 years add soccer to the school without an Athletic Director.There should have been input from the new Coach, looks like this is geared to certin friends of the powers that be. This should tell the future Coach/AD what is ahead.GOOD LUCK TO THE NEW COACH HE WILL NEED IT.

  4. if you have ever been in the stands at a HF game you would see that the players run the show,go up in the stands and talk to parents-friends,curse coaches on the sideline to where fans can hear-then be back in the game 2 plays later,certin players allowed to sit out practice. if you do not have the talent of the teams you are playing-you must be a disciplined- mistake free team.this is where HF has to be in order to compete.there have been other teams in the area. that have been able to win with less talent-LET'S HOPE THE BOARD WILL MAKE THE RIGHT DECISION.

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