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Basketball IQ

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Posts posted by Basketball IQ

  1. I was not the one who opened up this topic in a public forum, I merely asked a question. If Elam is past the age of the current high school student as well as his graduation date due to a lack of effort on his part, his parents part or bad instructors then it doesn't change the fact that he should not be on the same "level" playing field/court of the other students. Again, I don't know his age but if he will see the age of 20 before he moves that tassel to the other side then it's wrong, period! We all have rules and regulations in which we have to adhere to and if Mr. Elam doesn't have a learning / medical disability then this is simply a case of athletic favoritism. If he earned it or deserves this "clearance" then so be it, but if this was a group of adults that lobbied to give the program a better chance to win then shame on them......
  2. Hoping that I was mis-informed on this one but the word on the street is that this young man will be 20 years old at some point during the basketball season next year. If that's the case then there is something seriously broken within the system. Whether or not he has used up four year's of athletics is truly irrelavent in all of this as the bigger question should be why is he being rewarded for failing in the classroom. This gives "opening up Pandora's box" a whole new meaning in regards to this subject. What message is being sent to the up and coming youth that in all likely hood be faced with a similar perdicament if they are not taking care of their academics. I love watching a talented ball player but to watch one who by all intent and purpose should NOT be on the court with teenagers sours it a bit. Academics should ALWAYS supercede athletics, Silsbee High's leadership is sending out a terrible message on this one!!!
  3. WOW! Who's brilliant idea was this to create a Southeast Texas all-star game for the player's who didn't make the TABC's roster? There are already too many "empty" awards being created/issued out to player's just for the sake of keeping some former coach or AD's names relevant and now this. If the sole purpose of this is to generate scholly funds or one more opportunity for the unsigned to be seen then kudo's but if neither of those two intentions come to fruition exactly what was the purpose for creating this?
  4. Have to agree with Skip on this one in regards to the complaining about how Yates builds a roster, Silsbee and Kountze have been swapping personnel forever. Yates will continue to be the bully on the block because they rebound, press and shoot the ball fairly decent from the outside and until the Tigers, Hawks and Mustangs become more proficient in areas other than the press Yates will own this neck of the woods for some time to come.....
  5. Depends on the opponent huh? Various types of defenses are practiced in the hopes that the coach will implement whichever one increases his chance of beating that particular opponent. Personally I would play zone against any team in the Golden Triangle (as they are less than proficient at shooting from the outside) and force them to do what they're not comfortable doing which is stroking the jumper. The average high school team is fortunate if they have one 40%'er from the floor so coaching a squad up with the mentality of allowing your opponent one shot only, procuring the rebound and fast breaking out of the zone is a viable game plan in this day and age where player's are enamored with the cross-over versus the catch and shoot.....
  6. A lot of names listed on that list from Silsbee were in fact "ballers" but the fact that the competition level fell off dramatically due to the drop from 4A to 3A waters it down a bit. Back in the early to mid 80's when the Tigers were 4A their district schedule consisted of quite a few strong schools with either D1 or JUCO talent throughout their rosters. I recall at least 5 players from Silsbee alone going off to college between '83-'86 (Lloyd McArthur, Delton Harper, Terrell McArthur, Farrell Artis and Darrell McArthur) as well as a multitude of players from the teams they faced (Anthony Allen, LaBradford Smith, Hart Lee Dykes etc.) which illustrates how talented that era was. Just wondering, is Stallworth the last player to move on from Silsbee within the past 5 years or so?
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