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Posts posted by laguna

  1. What they should do is aggressively find the best qualified coach.  There are a lot of good coaches that will want that job.  I keep hearing noise about the current OF coach.  Are you kidding? That would basically prove that they just wanna fill a spot with a warm body, not go after the best coach available. I think she would be an upgrade from what was there, but to say she is the best out there would not be close to the case.  Sure she won a lot of games at OF but anyone else would have won with the kids they have had the previous 4 years.  Look at what OF did in close games.  Not very well, including the last game of this season. The girls and the college deserves the very best they can get.  If at the end of the day, a HS coach is it, then so be it.

    Oh, you know it all--don't you?  Five players foul out in the regional tourney and they still somehow manage to get the game to overtime???  WHATEVER!!  I'm sure YOU would have done a much better job, but you probably always think you would.  It's really funny how ignorant some OF people are!!  FUBAR--I say good luck to LU and hope they find the right person for that position--if they can find ANYONE that wants it!!

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