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Posts posted by Longhornforlife

  1. Just viewed the 21 3a all district picks on KOGT congrats too all the players represented on this team it is a great achievement to have this honor. Congrats to All the HF football players. Kendrick King Newcomer of the Year, Dante Smith 1st team QB, Darius Riley,Travis Appling, and Jordan Brown 2nd team Offense. Mitch McCall, Jacob King, Cody Burrell, and Darius Riley for 2nd team Defense. Congrats to all of you....
  2. I was notified by a buddy that this was the hot topic and I just had to read it well I'm in disbelief, First off let me say this is an absolute embarrassment that people in Longhorn land have nothing better to do than sit around and bash coaches/board members/players. Secondly people know one in HF land should be starting rumors about coaches that coach our kids, Our coach has not even been here a year and people are bashing him and his assistants. Let them do their job I did not say you had to agree with everything that they do or say but as long as they are in charge of our kids than that's the way it will be. The last thing is I've read all these post and it seems like people want a change in the win/loss records at HF well if that's what you want then shut your mouths let the coaches do their jobs, let the players play, and let the parents parent. If the results don't get better in a couple years then you can bring up your concerns.......... By the way Navasota is still playing Football 
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