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Posts posted by TETH

  1. If you run over a catcher or any other fielder when you could avoid them you are going to be out and ejected. If the catcher or any other fielder is blocking the base and not making a play on the ball, then the runner will not be penalized for avoiding contact and the fielder will be guilty of obstruction. There are times when there is unavoidable contact and no call is made as long as either party does not do anything  to make the collision more violent than it needs to. If you can avoid contact then I strongly suggest that you do and do not leave it in the judgement of the official. I personally wish federation ball, which rules are used for Texas high school baseball, would do what is done at the college level. In college you must slide if a play is being made on you with special intrest at 2nd and home.

    I somewhat agree with MrUmp1. If the person sliding hits the catcher to knock the ball loose I think that's smart baserunning, but if the baserunner does maliciously try to knock the ball loose of the catcher by plowing through them, I do believe the player should be immediatly ejected and the run should not count.  This reminds me about what happened in a softball game between BC and HF.  The BC girl plowed the HF catcher down and was ejected, but the run still counted. I don't even think that the run should have counted!! 

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