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Posts posted by lady30

  1. I must say that Beaumont Blue coaching staff was amazing!! The kids respected them because they taught, had patience and took out valuable time with them. Not once did you hear any of these Coaches down playing these boys. They bought out the best in them. Half of the team was seasoned players and the other half were newbies, but in the end they all became experienced players.  I cannot believe how you grown-ups sit up here and talk down on CHILDREN when you are suppose to be the ones uplifting them and bringing out the best in them and that is what Bmt Blue Coaching staff did.  Some of you need to take notes for next season on how you too should interact with the children. Not once did they tell our boys to chop block our opponents or take out the star players, they taught leadership!!!!  BEAUMONT BLUE ARE NATIONAL CHAMPIONS and have done more than proven what they were about.  :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
  2. Wow!!! As I have sat and read all of the complaining, I still cannot understand why. Have we lost focus of what this is all about? THE CHILDREN!!  I am a parent that has boys that play and I must say that I am impressed with the coaching staff.  My boys are first time players and they have shown me that they are learning the game as well as the sport. If I pay $100 plus dollars a child, I better see some type of learning!!! I have sat and watched the practices and those boys are determined to learn. Why should they have to forget who they are on the field ALL because you have complainers that probably hasn't EVER played the game feel as though they are to good? LUDACRIS!! You teach them young, so by the time they are older they understand, have compassion, and love the game. Not the opposite!! Don't get upset at the parents who keep their kids active and they are just that good. Me personally didn't see anything wrong with the score 75-0, because that shows they are working their butts off at practice. All of the kids get a chance to play and they all work well together. So, please STOP the madness and give credit where it is due.  I haven't seen this much bickering about why Jerry Jones won't let Romo go!!!  ;D BEAUMONT PEEWEE BLUE ROCKS!!
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