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Posts posted by Dawgdad92

  1. Sounds to me like you have it out for the administration like you said "you don't know the whole story but signs point to admin", what does that mean? Did you get fired from jasper or something?

    No one else was offered the interim ad you are false and the trainer teaches several classes and has the best sports medicine program around.
    As for the trainer being the AD he works with all sports and does everything for the best interest of the students. Why not him...a fair neutral party who won't jump ship when he doesn't get his way. He is here and has been because he loves Jasper athletics.
  2. I wish anyone of the people on here bashing the administration or Chris Coleman or the School Board could name one single thing that they did to wrong Coach Morgan or not give him support in anyway. He has been given more support than any coach I have ever seen in Jasper going back to Gene. From a new field house to new coaching positions created while in a budget crisis. He even got $30,000 dollars added to the athletic budget in January or February. I just want to know how he was not supported. I know with the increase in class size and all the new testing they wanted his coordinators to teach an extra class during the day to help offset some of the cuts from last year.
    Most of his coaching staff was planning on leaving because of the workload he put on them but was not given out to all his coaches and they did not think it was fair, because they had families they did not get to see also. Some of them want to stay now and hopefully they will because it is a very good staff. There is no question that coach Morgan did a fantastic job and no one is questioning that, and he may have other reasons for wanting to leave. The way he did it just lacks the character and morality that he preached to his players. “Do the right thing and no surprises” well he kind of broke both of those.  In my opinion he just quit because he knew he messed up, his staff was leaving and he wanted someone else to take the blame. For all those wishing to apply and have heard all the bad things said about the administration call Danny Lauve or Thomas Brooks and ask them about how much support they got.
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