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Posts posted by LION DAD

  1. Ok well it happened . My son and a few other have gone to some baseball camp coach Rupp put on and until tonight i felt the same way you do but tha changed tonight  because i saw it happen  .And yes i do know what i am talking about as you say it . We will enjoy the vitory tonight  just as yall did lastnight  our kids did show alot of heart tonight . You are also right tomorrow is a new day .
  2. To Goose Creek  shopping was not as good as yall thought it was going to be tonight with all of your comments from last night  and the unsportsmanship displayed to start the game tonight . It is ashame that a talented group of  kids is let act the way the did. All respect has been lost to the player and most of all to coach Rupp allowing it to happen kids will be kids but as a adult and coach that is  pretty sorry  just shows the class of a man  and the school and the kids he represents !
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