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Posts posted by Rangerball

  1. Our son is 13 as of Sept 2011. For 8 years we have played all year round baseball in Florida that is. We played, Dixie/Little League- undefeated team for 7 years, we came in 3rd in the state with his pitching/homeruns just this July 2011.  He also has played travel/select ball teams- Havoc and Swarms. He can play every position on the infield and outfield but prefers not catch. He bats and throws right handed.
    We are currently getting practice with a college coach on batting just to keep him loose. As I am finding hard to find a team that needs a player near Beaumont, TX.
    He also came in 3rd in 1 mile race in district in Polk County, FL.
    You can do a google on him- Ranger Ladner/ Ranger Barnhorst
    If you want to check him out call me - 409-753-2000 home.
    Thanks so much!
    Michelle Ladner
  2. Are you still looking for another player? As we are new to area from Florida. And looking to get 13 son on team. He is a pitcher, but also plays short stop, center field. He can play anywhere. But has good arm that throws far and hard.
    Please let me know if so, and if not could you direct us to a team? We live in Beaumont, TX.
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