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Posts posted by passingthru


    I had the privalege of watching these young ladies play for a large part of this season, and I was impressed with the grace, poise, athleticism, and sportsmanship they displayed while representing not only themselves, but their team, their school, and in some instance - their district.  I find it insulting to these girls who worked so hard, that the coaches decide to vote for all district based upon "feelings" or "fairness" rather than facts and statistics. This does nothing but dishonor those girls' efforts.  The coaches have only succeeded in further rendering trivial and meaningless what was once a great honor.

  2. I have watched most of these girls play since 1st or 2nd grade, and I can honestly say you have no idea what you are talking about.  There is no former "manager" playing for HF, and I can attest that at least all of the parents and players I have talked with think highly of the new coach - she's the first coach in years that truly seems to care.  Unfortunately, it sounds like sour grapes from someone who's daugher is not getting the PT they think she deserves........
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