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Posts posted by wtex

  1. That had to be the dumbest survey I have ever read.  Would you expect anything different in the findings of such a survey?  'No the people in Little Cypress want someone of no moral character, someone who could care less about building positive self esteem among players and community, and finally someone who could care less about success.'  Give me a break.  A survey should be taken to tell us something we don't already know. 

  2. Not only is there a problem with the AD at LCM there is a problem with the Queen (Superintendent) and her court.  They're the ones that passed on hiring Crouch or Owens, instead they hire an unknown who coached at a middle school in West Texas.  I firmly believe that not only the AD needs to go, the Superintendent needs to go as well.

    I really don't believe any real change will occur in LCM until Mrs. KOGT.COM is gone.  And let me correct some bad information.  The droves of teachers who have left the district in the past years have not left because of salaries.  LCM salaries are comparable to most districts in Southeast Texas (except Beaumont/Port Arthur).  The reason these teachers have left the district and now teach outside of THEIR community is because of the sorry leadership the Queen has put in place.  Job description for a leader in LCM: Sound good and look good.  No depth required!  Sorry but the truth hurts. 

  3. Re: Bellison1:

    I know I could get lynched for suggesting the following but I must.  When is someone going to hold Mrs. Kogt.com, oh I mean Pauline accountable for the people she brings in?  It's not the board, they just approve whoever she nominates for the final position.  LCM's reputation is currently in danger.  Review the board minutes over the past three years and look at how many resignations have been listed, and no it's not all baby boomers retiring.  She has put two of the worst leaders in leadership positions on LC campuses (Thankfully they are both gone)  and they have run people off by the droves.  Thus why the bond issue did not pass.  People are pissed in LCM.  The same can be said about the athletic program.  Whenever you have staff turnover every year something must be wrong.  I just think she needs to be held accountable even as adorable as she is, FRIENDS  ;)

  4. If the board and administration are doing such a great job of 'solidifying' the academic standing in LCM then please tell me why so many teachers have left the district in the past three years?  This year alone there were between 30-40 openings at the high school and in previous years the numbers were between 20-30!  Then papa bear gets a promotion to the front office!  Does anyone know exactly what he does in his newly created position ???? 

      Why didn't the bond pass?  So many people in LCM are tired of how things are being run in LCM.  LCM needs more than a new head coach.  For the life of me I can't understand why they would want to build a new high school before they rebuild the junior high.  The Jr high must be the most dangerous campus in SE Texas with all 12 buildings that kids roam between. 

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