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Posts posted by BossHoggOutlaw

  1. My Niece just got pick-up on a new team! Diamond Phillies SoExcited!!!!!!!! These girls got game they are a 16u team with a load of talent.  there is a 14yrold catcher #8 on that team and she is a beast behind the plate and in the box. Only being 14 and hanging with the high schoolers shows alot about her skill and character. If she keeps it up she can go along way. Keep it up Diomand Phillies all you girls are AWESOME!!!!!!!!!  The coaches for that team are everything a coach needs to be and the Youth Football coaches could learn thing or to about their role as coach and mentor .
  2. The best part of all of these post is the low brow humor and sophmoric behavior. i am assuming all of you are adults (but i know what happens when i assume) But back on topic, i am new to this site and all i see is a bunch of jock riding parents with exception of some.( if you took offense to that statement then your are one of them). i have watched alot of youth football games this year, and before you assume, my kid is a starter and a good player.  However i'm not going to get on this forum and blast a mom who has a spell check problem and those who did i hope all of you are Spelling Bee Winners. I played football at a very competitive level and see that alot of people haveforgot that youth football is for Fun! not for contracts.  Some players are better than others i admit but coaches and parents should strive to be as positive and supportive to all the kids on a team not just a few.  Those few can't do a thing without the others.We Love all our Boys and are proud of the job they do.    oh by the png-w has to win 2 more games and the playoffs b4 the are crowned.     
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