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Posts posted by hsfootballjunkie

  1. II have been reading on this website for years and its always how barbers hills fans are ignorant and so forth. I have to admit as a fan of neither school that hit happens all the time on the sidelines. What doesn't happen is the opposing team to attack the player. Just saying. Also if you say you are a genius about football then you would have watched the film and saw the push off before the ball was thrown. I have not seen the video but im not a self proclaimed genius of football like some of the nederland fans. Let's just say that was two good teams and neither deserve to lose
  2. What a game. Both teams deserve to win. The late hit was a late hit. I blame both teams for the little skirmish. I was behind the field goal thinking I was about to leave and there is no question it was about two feet wide. The pass interference on nederland was a good call was surprised it was called in that situation. Usually let them go in that situation but both teams should be proud of there effort.
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