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Posts posted by tiptopfan08

  1. I know Lamar has their eyes on Blake Reyenga.  I hope he gets to go there and it will add another local boy to the great talent that is already there.  I know there are lots of kids that seem to have been overlooked and I wish them all the best and hope they get offered and find a home to play in at the next level.
  2. Ya know... as far as the mom that her kids name was mispelled on the back of a shirt goes.. she has nothing to do with this.  He boys are not even babe ruth players at the moment.  She also would not get on here to voice her feelings of her kid getting in the paper or not.  Her kid has been and will be in the paper plenty and it won't be because of her.  He is a great ball player and has and will make a name for himself. Maybe checking facts of who we are accusing of things first would stop alot of this trivial stuff.

    As far as the Carnahan family goes.. Jon is a great kid and ballplayer.  I am sure we will be hearing alot about him and the others that have all worked and played hard enough to get scholarships to colleges all over the country.  If kids make a name for themselves and get schools to pay for them an education then why the heck worry about if they make the paper or not.  They paper don't make scholarship offers..coaches from colleges do and believe me they know who has the work ethics and who don't.

  3. For $75.00, you get a hat that you can keep, jersey you must turn in, 12 games no practice and you must chase foul balls from the dugout even if your the MVP and signed at Div 1.

    If you strike out with the bases loaded, your teamates might rib you, if your hammered on the mound don't look to the dugout.

    In 10 years your teamate might deliver your baby, sell you a set of tires or bail you out of jail.

    In addition to all that.. you get to make and be with friends that you may be lucky enough to keep for a lifetime.  Some of the new friends may only be in each others lives for the summer.  I know that after many summers of ball there has been lots of laughter and lots of friends made.  Some of them are not even from mid county.  After months of high school drills and long practices and screaming from the stands about what is not "fair", it is nice to sit in the stands and watch these wonderful young men laugh at each other and have fun. 

    It could be worse... they could be home with nothing to do and be in the parents hair....hahaha

  4. It is AWESOME to have Chad as the new BC coach!!  I am sure the shole Landry bunch is glad to hear it.  I am also glad that Kyle is staying in Vidor.  He has started a great program over there and the younger players still need him.  They are definitely contenders every year and and I see deep playoffs for them in the future...

    All I can say is that all the kids win in this situation.  The only ones still needing something is HF and they will get another great coach soon.

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