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Posts posted by Will11

  1. This will be a test for Neds offense, they are going to have to out score Montgomery.

    On the flip side I think Jordan Stanley will be a huge factor in this one. Montgomery has big aggressive hitters and a junk ball throwing lefty could handcuff that Bear offense.

    From what I hear about those montgomery fans :evil: , you Ned folks need to show up in full force for games 2 and 3 if there is a game 3.

    I do believe that Nederland can win this one, bats are hot and Smith is almost money.

  2. Like I posted before, a friend of a friend of mine told me he called the game between the Woodlands and Brenham. He stated to me that he thought Brenham would have a tough time beating any of the Top 3 from 20-4A, PNG proved him correct, take away those little league errors and PNG wins game 1 and probably game 3.

    LCM will prove that the Cubs are human. I have seen Womack pitch and dont really consider him a #2, as I and others have called him. Womack is one heck of a Highschool pitcher and with him starting and Elhert closing they could ride this all the way to Austin!

    I say LCM wins this one :D

  3. Brenham is a very solid team, but everyone is way to quick to jump their #1 ranking and national "gooblacocky"! I called a friend of a friend who umpired the warm up game between Brenham and the Woodlands. He stated to me that the Woodlands are for real and Brenham will have a tough time beating any of the top three teams from our area(LCM, Ned, PNG). He said Brenhams top 2 pitchers got very lucky, because with men in scoring position the 1st 5 innings the Woodland hitters with less than 2 outs lined out 9 times.

    I think Stone will have our boys ready to pound the ball against them baby cubs. What a way to make a statement ! taking down #1.

  4. I called a couple of WOS games and he does a good job behind the plate, but catching Sparks curves and slurves will make a good catcher look bad. I thought this thread was for Pitching ?

    Woods @ PNG

    Meeks @ BC

    Stanley @ Ned

    I am impressed with the Martin kid out in Deweyville, I got to watch him from the field and with a little refinment (take him to Sam) he could be a monster in 2A next season.

    LCM will be inexperienced but that wont stop Griff and Stevenson from building another playoff team.

  5. I see a much better team and make that an emphasis on "TEAM" than they were at the beginning of the season. I knew they would be loaded in talent , but would they play together or be looking out for them selfs.

    They have answerd that question and then some, these kids and coaches have really grown as a group into one of the best TEAMS to take the field in a long time ! They have it all, Leadership, Coaching, Talent, Disceplin and the want too win !!! I think a Trip to Austin is in their future.. Yes I do believe they will kick the piss out of Brenham!

    Im saying Im sorry to my BC buddies but I think LCM is a better TEAM :shock: 1 thru 9, with a super strong bench.

  6. I agree 100% with you on the glove work of todays fielders. Fundemental Baseball is not being taught nor practiced as it once was. Todays players are taught to show case their individual abilities in hopes of getting noticed by a scout or two. I overheard a Dad at a local high school game, tell his son "No matter what the coach calls, do not bunt or take a pitch, they are here to see you swing" this was outside the restroom before the game even started.

  7. The answer to your question can be debated all day long.

    My take on the matter is Beau pitched back in the middle 90's and was dominate with his 90+ mph fastball. Elhert pitches today against young men who see 90+ mph fastballs all year long. The hitters today are much better hitters then the ones just 10 yrs ago because of the Tournament ball they play against some of the best talent in the nation. I mean how many kids back in the 90's traveled across the nation from coast to coast getting 100 or more at bats against top college recuits ?

    If I had to choose between Elhert and Hale today vs todays hitters, I would take Elhert because of his arm action. He is the most deceptive pitcher around, he never changes his release point nor his arm action. I have sat back there and watched him throw 100 pitches and may have guessed right on 5 to 10 off speeds.. I can only imagine what the hitters are thinking.

  8. I do apologize for any hard feelings I may have caused.

    I totaly disagree with the statement that you cannot change anything mechanicaly during the season !

    Lets see, Larry Walker completly changed his stance and won the batting title and almost challenged the .400 mark. Lance Berkman just last season moved his front foot four inches forward, toe in, and I think he finished the season on fire and has continued to do so this year. Sammy Sosa was asked by his hitting coach while at Texas to drop his hands, he refused to do so until his 3rd or 4th season with Chicago---Never mind he was juicing bad example.... My point is if we stand in the same spot and do the same thing dont we become predictable ?

    I knew a guy who used to coach local hitters and most of the time his guys were the tops in every catagory. He told me during a game to tell a certain district leading catcher to concentrate on his front foot stepping to close and not even look at the baseball so I did, maybe I wasnt supposed to but I did. Needless to say his 2nd at bat he went down swinging not even sniffing the ball, but he hit a triple then a homer his next 2 at bats and went on to lead the district in avg and HR's.

  9. WOW !!!!!

    I wish I could become a coach, but those guys are of a special breed!

    I do not have all of the answers just some good down home advice!

    I too believe that he is a super kid with super talent, but everyone could stand a little help!

    I am not trying to step on any toes here, I know Griff is probably one of the best coaches in the State but sometimes it helps to have a different view!

    I know He has probably broken every record that stood before him and congrats on that. BUT I think this kid could be and probably will be playing in the Bigs one day! Just trying to help him along. You cant tell me that if he were to maybe on occasion take it the other way or lay back and rip it up the middle his numbers wouldnt be off the charts !

  10. Bears,

    I have seen them BEARS play and I wrote the comment with one of them in mind !!! This kid could be the next Jay Bruce, maybe even better. I have been around baseball for 40 years and talents like him are few and far between. If someone could get that loop out of his swing he would/should be hitting 400+ avg. and the HR's would be incredible, not to focus on one kid because I see this on every team in every game. :D

  11. This sickness has spread like the plague.

    There are several players in the area that would be D-1 candidates or even be drafted if they knew how to play the game offensively! I cant tell you how many times I have been sitting back there, when there are runners in scoring position, only to have "Mr. I Gotta Hit a Homer" step to the plate and do all the wrong things. I realize that coaches give the signals but 99.9% of the time, coach is looking for a base hit or a well placed bunt if called for. Homers are exciting and get the crowd going but I believe we have placed way to much emphasis on the Long-Ball and have somehow tainted the game!


    I guess these are now curse words:






    So On and So On ............

  12. Well I have read some good arguments on here about who is the best catcher. I have called games behind most of the guys mentioned, all but one actually and had a chance to see him from the field. Catching is not only blocking, catching and throwing out runners, it is being a field general and commanding an entire team from the first pitch till the last pitch.

    1. Rowell

    2. Buchanan

    3. Abberra

    4. Jackson

    5. Campbell

  13. I think Wes Schneider should hold off, this kid has to be one of the best infielders I have seen in years... If he works hard at the plate he could land a D1... What about the Dugas kid out of LCM, I heard rumors of McNeese and others ? Hell, for that matter the bench for LCM will probably get scholarships.

  14. :D Just another typical matchup between two of the state's POWER HOUSE PROGRAMS !!!! :D.. I feel for coach Robbins because no-one gave them a chance this season after he graduated his starting team last season.. I think he has shown that he is probably the best coach in the area and will likley move on to the next level.... :shock:
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