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Posts posted by swingbuilder

  1. The difference in Pujols and ARod is not the sliding of the hips. The difference is that ARod likes to take a long stride and Pujols likes to be spread out and take a small stride. Either way they both still move their hips forward and against the frontside leg.

    Tiger's...I'll agree. Its style as I mentioned above earlier.

  2. Gibbs, when I was young me and my buddy's emulated big league hitters. In todays world they don't watch enough big league games to do that. If you wanta be a good hitter emmulate the best and the best make lots of money doing it.

    Gibbs, if you look at the over head of Arod. His hips aren't moving very far and not any farther than Pujols!!!! or anyone else for that matter. The most efficient at it is Bonds.

  3. arodoverhead.gif


    Gibbs, we could have a very good discussion on this topic. I'll get a side view clip of ARod so we can compare. May take me a couple hours to run one down.

    I also see Pujols sliding his hips forward.(Notice the guy in the white shirt in the stands right off Pujols front hip....and how he moves forward and hides the guy in the white shirt) All good hetters transfer against the front leg. They do not stay on the back leg. The difference in Pujols and ARod is not the sliding of the hips. The difference is that ARod likes to take a long stride and Pujols likes to be spread out and take a small stride. Either way they both still move their hips forward and against the frontside leg.

  4. JGibbs...Based on what I see in all the big league hitters. Hip slide would be defined as the hips moving forward while the hitter is rotating after his stride foot heel plants. I don't see that ARod has any hip slide, something I would consider bad. I do however see him tansfering against his frontside as he plants his foot but don't see the hips continue forward once he has established heel plant.

  5. I wonder about A-Rod.  Maybe the best player we will ever see in our lifetime.  Is this because he has a great swing.  Or do we say he has a great swing because he is the greatest player we may ever see.  And being such a great player can get away with a very comlicated swing.

    ESPN...Nothing complicated about ARODS swing. Here he was in high school



  6. Duke, the things that a player like you mentioned, needs to concentrate on are his ability to maintain his posture throughout his swing and his ability to stay connected with his hands to the back shoulder area.

    Notice, if you will, in some of the other clips I have posted on this site. Notice how those big league hitters keep the same relationship with their hands and back shoulder from start and into the rotation.

    Duke, notice the hands in this clip....


    and this one.....


    You and players like that would be served well to see lots of swing clips of the best. www.hittingillustrated.com then go to the forums button.

    Meat, As long as a hitter can maintain good connection. Thats the hands relationship to the back shoulder then it will be easy for any hitter to stay inside the ball. Grif as always been one of my favorites.

  7. espn....good points. I only know this......

    Big League hitters (when using quicktime player) are between 4 and 5 frames to contact at heel plant at 30 FPS or 8 to 11 at 60 FPS (FPS = frames per sec). It should be the goal of all amatuer players to try and get their swings quick without compromising bat speed. So the way to combat the situation that you presented is to get to the bottom line. How many frames to contact are their students. The coaches that can get their hitters to 4-5 frames or even 6 frames to contact would be the best instructors.

    It doesn't matter about size. 6'6 or 5'10. The bottom line should be "How many frames to contact". Use a guy that is similar to your size and copy his stroke. As long as he is 4-5 frames to contact.

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