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Posts posted by bballchick

  1. Why are we even discussing the topic of coach of the year if one of the stipulations for winning this "award" is winning state?  If you guys don't like it that so many West Hardin fans are on this website, then go get fans from your town to get on and cast a vote.  We can't help it if your teams don't have the fan support that ours does!

    Warfan, I know you weren't trying to be negative or anything, but actually Fuller took over a team with NO senior starters last year, and the only reason they were in 2A last year is because it wasn't a redistricting year.  Numbers-wise they would've been in 1A last year, too.  This was his second year with them and he brought them a long way.  (Just b/c I'm responding to your post here, doesn't mean I'm clumping you in w/ the next two...you're an intelligent poster and I respect your opinions.)

    Ltown, do you not see the irony in the fact that you're dogging WH fans for being on here so much, yet YOU are on here CONSTANTLY completely OBSESSED (for some very weird reason that I haven't quite figured out yet) with West Hardin High School basketball. 

    Cayuga boy, "sore loser" doesn't look good on you.  And it was VERY unintelligent to run down the team that knocked you out of the playoffs; if we're such big losers, then what exactly do you think that makes you?

  2. Can I just say(again)...I AM SO PROUD OF MY HUSBAND!!!  Oilers, you have had an AMAZING season!  I know it's hard right now to accept that it's over, but you have no idea how proud we are of you!  I admire and respect you all as players and people.  There's no other team in the state of Texas that I would rather stand behind!  Take the same drive, ambition, heart and integrity that you played with this season into the rest of your lives and God will bless all that you do.  Honor Him in the way that you live and He will be faithful! 

    Mindy FULLER (and couldn't be prouder :))

  3. Can I just say...I AM SO PROUD OF MY HUSBAND!!!  Oilers, you guys just had an AMAZING season!  I know right now it's hard to accept that it's over, but you have no idea how proud we are of you.  There's no team in the state of Texas that I would rather stand behind.  I admire and respect each one of you as players and people.  Take the same drive, ambition, heart and integrity into the rest of your lives that you've played with this season and God will bless you in all you do.  Honor Him in the way you live and He will be faithful!  

    Mindy FULLER (and couldn't be prouder :))

  4. Rub-a-dub, I'm not trying to be mean or rude either, but, of course we think we could win.  Nobody is saying we're going to stomp them into the ground or that we KNOW we're going to win hands-down or anything like that.  A "fan" is someone who supports, admires, cheers for, likes a certain team, celebrity, singer, sport, etc.  We're called "West Hardin" fans because we support, admire, cheer for and LOVE West Hardin...why is it so strange to you that we think our team could beat Martins Mill?  And why does it bug people (I'm not saying necessarily you personally) so much that we get on a website that has a forum about basketball in southeast texas and support our team? 

    In case you haven't noticed, West Hardin is a "really good team," too.  :)

  5. I was praying the whole time!!!  Way to go OILERS!!!!!!!!!  I've got people in Galveston cheering for you guys, too! :)  Now, do not stay up late tonight!  It ain't over!  You've got a ten o'clock game, and I know some of you probably aren't  usually up by 10 on Saturday! ;)  I'm praying for God's favor to rest on each of you as you play your BEST GAME YET tomorrow!  Love you guys!

  6. Hey, Ltown, I have a challenge for you:  I'd like to see if it's possible for you to make a post without insulting, degrading or otherwise disrespecting someone in it.  Perhaps you could read other posts and see how it's done.  MOST people on this site are able to state their opinions respectably without having to put other people down.

  7. I haven't seen Cayuga play, but from what I've heard, this is going to be a pretty even match as far as talent in the starting five on each team.  Someone posted that Cayuga is a classy team...I'm glad.  WH really is a classy team also, so this should be a great, competitive game between two VERY respectable teams.  I'll be shocked if it's a blow-out either way.

  8. Thank you guys!  I had a doctor's appointment this morning and things are stable...your prayers are working!  Please keep praying.  I occaisionally send out more specific updates via e-mail...if you would like to receive them, just pm me with your e-mail address and I'll add you to my contact list.  Ya'll are amazing.  Thank you so much for your prayers and for supporting and encouraging me and Kent through this! 



  9. You know what's funny?  West Hardin fans get on here and support their team...there is NO trash talk on here about the talent of our opponents.  Then whomever we're scheduled to play gets on here and talks about how they're going to stomp all over us.  Oh well, let 'em talk.  Slocum talked even worse smack and we beat them like they had no business being in the playoffs!  Same things could happen to Cayuga....we'll see. 

    Cayuga smack talkers, please note:  I said "could happen" instead of "will happen" since I don't actually see the future...learn something.  Oh, and by the way, you better be careful what you say about Letsinger on here, you don't want to get him fired up...hear anything about the district championship game against Big Sandy?

  10. Itown, you seem to be the classic bully...needing to put others down in order to make yourself feel better.  You insult and degrade people that we (yes, the horrible WH fans) care about because they are our friends and family, and then you act like we are irrational for wanting to set the record straight in their defense.  If you REALLY stop to think about it, do you find that rational?  For the record, I have never once read a post by anyone from West Hardin claiming that we are "the greatest."  Your posts are ignorant, incorrect, and irrational period.  I hate to be negative, but the things you write are ridiculous.  I feel sorry for you.  For your sake, I hope you're a kid...if you're an adult, then I feel even MORE sorry for you.

    Yep yep, I totally agree with you that a coach  needs talent to win and there are absolutely a lot of great coaches out there that aren't getting their due b/c they don't have the same level of talent as other coaches.  I don't disagree with that at all.  I was just saying that I think a GREAT team is created by a combination of talent and leadership...just my opinion, though, and I think you make very valid and good points.  I agree with you about Jackson, Henry and English, too!

    Castor27, please explain to me further why it is so wrong or out of the ordinary that fans who admire and respect their basketball coach would click on a thread entitled Coach of the Year and express their appreciation for him.  Did I misread the title of the thread...did it say "Coach of the Year according to everyone except West Hardin fans"?

  11. I disagree, yepyep.  Without leadership, guidance, direction and someone to pull a team together, talent doesn't always win.  I've seen the personal interaction between Coach Fuller and his players.  Those guys give everything they've got for him, and I don't think it would be the same with just any coach.  They know he cares about them and has their best interest and growth at heart.  He gets my vote for coach of the year, but I do admit, I'm partial. ;)  I know there are other great coaches in our area, Coach Foster at Big Sandy for one.  East Chambers' coach has obviously done great things this year, too.  I don't believe West Hardin has ever won a district championship in basketball in the history of the school (they were co-champs like 30 years ago or something like that).  I think they've been to the playoffs once and lost in the first round.  In my opinion, this year for West Hardin has been the right combination of talent, teamwork, attitude AND great coaching.

  12. Zach, Brandon, Cody, Chase, Tyler, Jared, Jordan, Matthew, Ethan and Austin,

    Guys, play this game like it's the only one that matters, because until you win, it is!  I am so proud of ya'll!  I had my playoff shirt on this Friday and a lady (in Galveston) came up to me and said, 'Hey, we play ya'll!'  She was from High Island.  You guys have made quite a name for yourself this year...now live up to it!  I'll be there in spirit and I'll be getting text message updates. Don't let it get too close....I'm supposed to avoid stress. ;)

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