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Posts posted by baseballmom2013

  1. It is sad for all of the kids involved - the kids on the 3 teams that were eliminated and the PN kids who had their season ended short.  But honestly folks, why can't those ADULTS involved take responsibility for their own actions.  Little League International puts out a rule book EVERY year - this is not for show, but contains rules that are expected to be abided by from every chartered league in order for ALL children to have an equal, fair and balanced playing field.  Board members who are elected by a league are expected to review these policies each year and abide by the rules as written.  If a rule that is in black and white (as stated in an earlier post, complete with page numbers) cannot be understood by a board of literate adults, then that league has a problem.  I don't understand why the question was even presented to the District Administrator for clarification for any other reason than not wanting to abide by the rule and expecting to get special treatment.  When the PN league president was presented with the information at the first game between BC and PN, that person should have handled it and not let it get to this point.  Two weeks have passed and the PN league president chose, for whatever reason, to ignore the situation.  Calling BC, BCLL and Board members cheap names and bad sports is only hurting BC kids.  Grown ups, please put this to rest and act your ages.  BCLL is for the kids, about the kids, and most of all - to teach the kids about sportsmanship, honesty and character.  I believe with all of my heart that we have an awesome program with BCLL and Little League International at the core, setting the example for coaches, parents and kids alike. 
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