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Posts posted by Gamer

  1. Thanks for the info. on Vidor. So it looks like the fullback Clark should be the main threat out of the backfield. Would like to have an idea of their times in the 40, in other words is there a speed guy or are they all three about the same in speed. It also looks like the QB may be a step up from jv so no stats on him i guess. thanks for the "sneak peek."
  2. I know the O line and D line is very important for Vidor this next season as it always is, but can anyone tell me about the backfield for Vidor? I beleive they run a slot-t don't they? Any info. on the individual backs would be very helpful, for example slotback, fullback, halfback. What can we expect to see next season from these ball carriers? Also my sources tell me the quarterback last season was a senior, who looks good to replace him? Again any info. on these players will be greatly appreciated.
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