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Posts posted by walkoff55

  1. Great game this morning with B.C. very close 19-13 LC over BC. I would like to know how other coaches in the peewee division feel about the onside kick rules for this age. Flag has gone to 2 kick off per game. I feel as long as the return team does not try to return the kick off that the return team should keep the ball. If they try to return the ball and fumble then and the kicking team recovers the fumble the ball should go to the kicking team. Please post your opinion on this rule, just would like to know how everyone else feels about the ruling. Playoff games could keep the ruling as is.
  2. CT gets the job and Foreman stands strong for WOS. Do not look for anyone to fill the gap because these 2 guy can do what it
    take to get the job done. With teachers being cut at every school this make a lot a sense,do not fill a postion that does not
    need to be filled. You have your DC as your AD and your OC standing strong and doing what he does best. The best of both worlds.
    Bring in an outsider at this time could crush WOS football in the near future.
  3. Back in the day of wooden bats you did not see the long ball as much as we do these days. Now we have hugh changes in the way
    that pitches are coached in their mechanics, also we see the same for batters. Even though wooden bats have the ability to give some
    of the drops in weight it will take away alot of the big hit and i feel the pitchers will have the advantage. I see alot of kids that throw
    much faster than in the good ole' days of the wooden bats. Is the bat restriction just a knee jerk reaction or is it warranted by injuries.
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