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Posts posted by raidermom01

  1. Just wanted to let all you parents of young ladies who think they want to play volleyball what direction they should take their girls.


    Seriously, it makes all the difference in the discipline and increases their skills and ability. Most of the surrounding counties have organizations for this sport, so there is no excuse about having to drive to Houston to find one.

    My daughter is a senior this year. Her 7th grade year she almost didn't make the B team. Her 8th grade year she moved up to A team. Her freshman year she played almost every play on JV. Her sophomore year was a year that the teenage attitude caught up with her and she had a lot of personal issues and loss (3 grandparents passed away between August and January). The club coaches kept her going and kept her involved.

    I don't regret a penny spent on it, and looking back it was a good investment of our time.  Just something to consider.

    Good luck next year!
  2. As a mom who has had her kid harassed by a team at their gym by their student body, I can tell you it is not cool, but somehow it is allowed and considered "funny".  There is a lot of water under this bridge with the kids and this player, but from a parent's perspective, knowing what all the issues are, my heart went out to her and her mom/family.  However, did I think she was singled out and harassed by the crowd the entire game? No. I thought the player played well and didn't really let it show that they bothered her. She played as well as I have ever seen her play even when she was a Lady Raider.  Kuddos to her.

    The majority of the student body that was in attendance were there to support their Lady Raiders and the lone senior for her Senior Night. The Volleyball program has not made the playoffs since the 1990s, and this is a very exciting time. And of course anytime any team is playing an undefeated team, they have a target on them. Everyone wants to be the one to take them down, or at least make them work hard for that win. Last night's game was the most exciting game of the season, and the crowd was the wildest it's been all season (close to second to the Ozen game).

    The Lady Rockanoos played with the passion that has made them remain undefeated during district play. They never gave up, even when they were down two games to start with. This team should go far in the playoffs. Great coach, great kids, lots of talent.

    The Lady Raiders wanted that win more than any other win this season. They wanted it for them. They wanted it for their new coach. They wanted it for their senior. They left everything they had on that court last night. It just wasn't enough. 

    This Raider team is young, and I can't wait to see what they will do in the future. Keep up the hard work, and enjoy the ride, ladies!
  3. Yep! New coach is awesome. Will do a lot for the program. Knows the game and loves it. Lucky girls who get to play for her. Really hope it's their year. They work hard and deserve it. But I know a lot of the girls on other teams work hard too. Should make for an interesting season.

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