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Posts posted by BH1998

  1.   I did not know GCM had that many starters coming back.  They have pretty much what BH has returning. But BH will not have that HR power GCM will have with Jacobs.  I think it is going to be a lot tougher district this year.  I just wonder how much Crosby lost, I know they got Gabby, but other than that I wonder what is coming back.  Dayton may be the dark horse as well, they were very young last year, but they beat us in that 33 hit combined game and did have a little surge at the end.  Of course we split with everyone in dist. other than NF we were 2-0 and KWP we went 0-2.
  2.     OK, now that we have been educated lets see if we can keep the topic up.  BH has 6 starters returning in the field and all its pitching back. I know Price, Dalton and Chance for GCM, how many other starters are they returning and who all is coming back from Crosby that were starters.  I really dont know much on Lee since they were not in our district last year, but know they were district champs in 5A, how many returners ?  I think Dayton has almost everyone back, not sure though.  Anybody know how many each team is returning in 19-4A and how many All-Dist kids are coming back to their teams. Just trying to get a idea of what everyone has coming back to get a realistic view on predictions. 
  3. WOW !!!  Did not intend on starting a debate on who plays where with my post. I was just stating that I thought the returning starters from last year would be in the line-up, 4 got district honors.  I still think those 6 will be in the line-up, don't know where, but when you prove yourself at the varsity level in any sport (not Connie Mack) and you get reconized by the other coaches in the district, I don't see you getting benched the following year.   Don't see Thompson getting stuck in right field, nor anyone else stuck there, it is a position that about 60 kids would love to have in that starting line-up on varsity.   All I can say is if you ain't got nothing nice to say, keep your mouth shut.  Honesty is one thing, predicting a starting line-up is OK, but don't give your reasons on why you don't have another kid in your line-up.  I don't know why we hired Denny, should have hired Whathappened.  My predications for the district is still Lee,BH,Crosby, GCM in any order. Unless Denny listens to WhatHappened, then I predict Lee, Crosby, GCM, and Dayton.
  4. I agree with BringinTheHeat, time will tell and I do not see anybody dominating the district.  But it will be like always when a new coach comes in, He is the savior until he sits sombody's kid or somebody is not on varsity that dad thinks they should be.    There will be a 4 way battle for district, Lee,BH,GCM and Crosby, not in that order because I could not predict that.  Patty, you stated ealier that if you ain't hitting .300 you aint trying.    I agree with that in non-district play, you are facing most #3 to #5 pitchers, but in district when you face Leggett, Gabby,Sealy, Chance (GCM), Long and come out with a .300 Avg, you did good.  If those four teams all split in district play it would not suprise me.  I like the confidence that some bring, but lets just sit and wait before talking too much smack.  I do agree that Denny will do wonders for the program, but the kids still have to play and there are a couple of holes to fill with 3rd base, 1st base, 1 or 2 outfield spots and a DH.  Returners are Thompson(catcher), Leggett,( SS), Santana (2nd), Bonnin(OF), King(OF), Newcomb (Utility), may be some moving around, but look for these to stay in the lineup. Pitchers- Long,Leggett,Ausbury, will be returning.  Look for Woods to help with the pitching,  Erwin,Denny,Thames and Beasly to get a position and make a impact, but they are still not proven yet and there may be a suprise or a move in, so you never know how it will play out.  I do know with those 6 returners and how they can hit and add those 4 mentioned and knowing how they can hit, it will be a solid line-up.  But also know GCM has some serious sticks back as well.  My Prediction is BH,LEE,GCM,and Crosby all make the play-offs in any order.
  5. I know no kids are throwing in the 90s on BH, would be nice but dont see it.  If we had that they sure would not had been on JV, Coach did win a few in his day and would had rode that arm if it was there.  Give me the kid who has a 85-87 fast ball and a 78 mph breaking pitch and keeps batters off-balanced, I think we will have that at the Hill and there may be a few suprises that Denny does on the pitching staff, who knows, but it should be a fun year in 194A and a tougher district with the pitching in it. 
  6. Yes ,you are forgetting some players that hit over .300.  James Santana hit over .300 for the year and was named HM All-Dist and is returning, Blake Bonnin finished 2nd in batting avg. and RBIs behind Lyday and  Bonnin was 1st team all-dist.(returning)  Matt King had a great 6 or 7 games when he got pulled up, but losing Mitchell hurt . King should have been on varsity all year anyway.  Mitchell had a avg over .400 and was a great lead off with the  speed and covered ground in the outfield. Also the second half of dist, last year Leggett hit well.  10- .300 hitters coming back, I don't think so.  But you do have some sticks in the line-up and the potental is there,  King, Bonnin(1st team all-dist), Santana (HM All-dist),Thompson (HM all-dist), Leggett, (1st team all-dist) Newcomb, who are all very capable of hitting over .300 (some have already) then add the prospects of Caleb Denny, Tyler Beasly, Christian Thames, and Carson Erwin and you may have 10 .300 plus hitters.  Would be nice, but doubt it will happen with Sealy (Lee) in our Dist and Gabby back for Crosby, it will be tough facing those pitchers 4 games in Dist, and GCM has some very good pitching coming back, so it will not be hitter friendly for anyone in 19-4A, we have Long and Leggett, and with the new rules on bats changing this year and next, look for the avg. to go down even more, at least the long ball.  Still think BH will be in the hunt with Lee and GCM, and Crosby, I see those 4 teams beating up on one another. JMO  (Getting Close to count down)
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