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Posts posted by maddog56

  1. the bh dayton game was a that will not soon be forgotten. dayton was in the game all the way till the end and could have easily won the game. Cograts bh on a hard fought win. Dayton keep your heads up ya played a hell of a game. I still see dayton beign a runner for  district championship if bh slips up. I think dayton got a wake up call and will play way better now. Best of luck dayton with the rest of ur season i look forward to seeign alot of wins from yall the rest of the season
  2. [quote name="rollinac" post="1061416" timestamp="1316548973"]
    So I'm guessing with your uncle reffing we won't have to endure the Gage temper tantrum again?  Another onside kick to start the game?  Show up for the National Anthem this time though.

    the onside was actually a mess up by the kicker. he got reamed good for that one to. but it was a good way to surprise them i think. my jaw dropped when i saw the onside.
  3. first. all of the people that think bh isnt any better they are dead wrong. i can vouch for bh last year (since i was one of the hurt players on the side line during the bh dayton game) when i know for a fact we were still working the kinks out of the new system we had. BH is better this year but dayton is as well.

    second go back to when bh was 3a we were playing 5a schools and private schools just as well and we were destroying them too so. the oh we played 5a teams in pre district doesnt hold water to me its pre district and kinks are still being worked out. i commend dayton for the pre district victories they were hard earned and deserved.

    third i remember bh being counted out against galena park last year and we destroyed them even with all the haters and personally it was my favorite game (besides giving me the start of a bad ankle for the rest of the season) and we pulled the upset.

    I see a very close smash mouth football game if bh manages to hold onto the ball and are secondary steps up and we can contain the outside. If we dont hold onto the ball i see dayton taking advantage of this and running up about at most 4 touchdowns on us. If we manage to control the ball i see us winning by 3 or 1 touchdown but dayton is gonna be a good opponent and i can see them beating us by a touchdown even if we are playing great. Its gonna be a great smash mouth game and i will be coming back from college just to see it because i think this could be one if not the game of the year. if dayton plays like they have been and bh makes mistakes it done but if bh plays like they need to it will be a close game. im on the fence on this one if bh plays good i can see it going either way by 7. if bh plays like they did in nederland than it will be a long dreadful night.

    best of luck to both team but i am pulling for bh in this one. now get out there and play some hard nosed football!!!!
  4. my little cousin is just starting freshman football in dayton and from what i watched at practice the supposedly good coaching and program doesnt show there to me?? maybe that emphasize more on the soph, juniors, seniors?? i have been to a couple of the practice before i left. to me the programs are as equally as good. bh just needs a little more size in the front and a little more height in the secondary. Our secondary is good but it could be better. Dayton lost some key players but from living around that area i know for a fact that there is talent there to fill it that might just need to be trained.

    I think it could be a real close game is bh gets the offense straightened out and stops the fumbling and if the d steps up big and hold strong. If bh doesnt do this it can get ugly real quick. Dont be fooled though bh doesnt have the talent to give dayton an upset. I am gonna be coming back from San Marcos just to watch this because i think it is gonna be a good smash mouth football game. And yes i do think there will be some heated argument on the field FROM BOTH SIDES. I was on the bh team last year (hurt during the bh dayton game so i didnt play in that demolishing game few.....) and know for a fact are guys can get heated but i also grew up with the dayton guys and know that they can get heated extremely quick as well
  5. what i cannot understand is how the ponies team is still able to play with there grades. barbers hill shouldn't have been in 4 a for a while we barely had enough kids when we got moved into it. take some of the ponies kids and takes some of the bh kids and make them take the same test and you will see bh is better. we have lives outside the gym we train and study hard. we don't just get a slap on the back if we do not have good grades. if you go and actually look at last years team there was about at most 7 seniors that started. bh had a young team. the team should be better this year with most of the starters returning.
  6. the mascot i have never answer for. first time i saw the girl in it wear a tutu though. i though "hmmmmmmm this makes us look like a [color=crimson]Censored[/color] why in the world would you wear that. they deglorified tha mascot all year long making it less footbally and more femine uggggghhhhhhhhhhh. i say next tiem we see it we all go down there and takle the [color=crimson]Censored[/color] out of the mascot and take the suit :D
  7. [quote name="dayton" post="909807" timestamp="1289846830"]
    I hope so too. I wouldn't mind another trip to the Regional title game.

    not hating just didnt get to play against dayton when yall played us.... and i like to mess with yall dayton ponies :D

    yes dj has alot of intinsity. as for brute force ehhhhhhhh i was able to block him and i am only 5'7 at 177 :D

    id repect him if he woudl of pulled of when the play was dead and not tried to fight me or let off when the played was dead and he hit the othe rolien in the back of the head wiht his facemask.  I realize he is pumped but talking shit to anothe rplayer for blockign and trying to fight him and then take another out after the play is done just doesnt get my respect. no shit though he is a very talented player and athletic .....i think the pads make him look a lil bigger than he is though :D

    ii i come i am not wearign that damed purple. lost to two teams this year so i have had enough :D all depends on if i can get done with my college stuff.

    and thanks to all the ndn's and everyone that wished me good luck in my future
  8. this is commign from a small senior lineman that played for the hill last friday.

    now my rant:
    i want to thank all the good sportsman ship from MOST of the ndn players exept number 33. the late hit on an o lineman that wasnt looking when the play was over (gave the him a minor concussion) and all his s**t talking, he will get his when its his time.
    heres a link to a pic of me and him getting into each other when the play was done i let off and threw my hands up so i wouldnt be flaged

    Too all the people that said it was going to be a blow out i guess the hill showed you it wasnt they didnt put there 2nd string in and just put it on cruise now did they. we kept it close so hahahaha.
    rant over.

    now great game png i hope yall go far and beat the heck out of everyone and i hope yall get a chance to demolish dayton. to all the png fans thanks for the kind complements and encouragement it means alot. yall sure do support yalls team. at the end of the game when we lines up for the good game thing yalls boys were very repectful good men and althletes. the coaches from png are very respectful as well. everyone of the coaches from png  meet said that i had allout of heart and was a great player for my size. they said to keep my head and that i played great. they were nice to evereyone of the bh players they meet.  yall have a very stout team just need to tighten up on a few things and yall should be almost unbeatable. we shot ourselves in the foot with a few to many penalties and fumbles. overall great game. made my last senior game a blast and fun. thank you to all the ndn players and fans once again

    does anyone know who the ndns play next and were wouldnt mind going to support a good team with the exeption of suport for number 33.

    now bh lets get to state next year. and one last thing

    [size=16pt]THE HILL IS FOR REAL!!![/size]
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