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Posts posted by cnevils

  1. Thanks Bmtball and cajun.  Just emailed Walker and I looked over the nations website yesterday and sent link to my coaches.  I know we will have a long season but I know it will be rewarding for the boys.  They have never played ball that consisted of pick offs or lead offs.  We are looking forward to the upcoming season and will begin practicing as soon as jr football is over.  Thanks again
  2. My son and I will be leaving Little League this year and entering Select Ball in the 9U division.  I am looking for help and information on getting my team started.  I am not to concern with tryouts at this time, I am bringing several of my ball players with me from Little League.  The reason I am entering select ball is for my ball players to experience a higher level of skill level in baseball.  Any information will be greatly appreciated (ex. insurance, rules, when spring league begins, etc.)  I already have a couple of ex Lamar Baseball players committed to help during practice.
  3. Thanks jg69 and Chester86, all I am doing is getting caught up in ths message board that I did not know even existed until 2 weeks ago.  I use setexsports.com on to look at predicitions, rankings, and scores for the high school level.  Just so happens someone told me about power rankings and predicitions for youth football, and I just not could believe it. But it is true. I really feel sorry for the kids and youth sports now days.  It is all about the parents and coaches, for their fame and glory.  Like someone stated earlier, when kids play a sand lot game, it is just a game for fun.  I wish youth sports could go back to what it used to be and I promise you I am not that old.

    Back to my thanks to jg69 and Chester69, I am not going to turn my back on these kids.  I teach my daughter, son, and ballplayers not to quit, so therefore I would not be setting a good example by quitting.  I will continue to coach and ref youth sports to hopefully make a change before all these sports get out of hand.  This goes on in all sports not just football. 

    This will be my last posting and viewing in this [b]YOUTH[/b] football message board.  I just felt I had to stand up for my fellow officials and ended up getting caught up in all of this crap.  STJFL has an awsome league and I am proud to be an Official and a Coach in this league.  Good Luck to all the players and coaches the rest of the season.  And I assure the teams that make the playoffs and superbowl you will have officials that will be giving 110% and call the games to the best of their ability.
  4. Good idea DC9 ! I just donated my money back to league because I just withdrew from my Saturday games and the rest of the season.  So far I am the 5th official (all senior officials 5+ years experience) to withdrawl from STJFL since the postings started Saturday.  The way it is looking you (the parents/coaches) will be donating your time officiating your kids the rest of the season.  This is including playoffs and superbowl.  Now I can spend time with my family and enjoy the rest of the football season.  I know of many more that will be following suit.  GOOD LUCK REST OF SEASON.  Let me know if you need an officiating book, I have an extra one (400 plus pages)

  5. Well like teeboan said earlier, we had our TASO meeting tonight.  We do not discuss STJFL or other little league football organizations in our meetings.  We are trained on UIL rules and mechanics for sub varsity and varsity games.  After the meeting several officials had comments about postings on this site.  Do not be suprised when STJFL loses several senior officials that have been calling these games for years and will be starting this Saturday.  We put up with more BS from coaches and parents at this level than we do on the varsity level.  And at that level the coaches jobs are on the line and we do not even get near the flack we receive on Saturday's.  Just like Teeboan said earlier I might start just spending time with my family who appreciates instead of getting ridiculed all day.  We have a very strong organization and stand behind each other and I will hate to see parents officiate their games (on the other hand I might enjoy it, and just see if they know all the rules and can see everything that takes place on the field).  The only other officiating chapter close to hear is in Houston and they have three times jr league football organizations than our area and pretty sure they will not travel this far for the amount of money we get paid.  Like I said on other post, we do not do this for the money, we do it because we want to teach the kids rules and sportsmanship of the game.  This is our HOBBY!  I hope this does not get to ugly with our officials because I enjoy watching these kids grow and learn the game of football.
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