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Posts posted by txstate2010

  1. Do you not get the point. Brandon plays AAU ball with 3, 4 , and 5A players and does just as well as anyone. Our game vs. WOS is like Donahoe playing Aldine. He would do well but not have the numbers he usually does. I want to see you play Letsinger 1 on 1 and see how you would do against a "just ok" player.

  2. years past mean nothing... This is THIS year, not last year or 50 years ago. Like I have said before, you are nothing more than a confused jr high student. There are not many Letsinger's, Donahoe's, Brown's or Thomas' out there. There isnt much talent or ability that seperates them, they are all great players.

  3. ltown... I pray that you are not an adult because if you are I feel very sorry for your children just because they have to look up to a guy who is bashing a high school kid. IF you knew Brandon, you would know that he does not care what you nor anyone else thinks. He does not even care if he makes all-district. He cares about doing what he can to help his team win and being a class-act and having something called sportsmanship(something that you obviously know nothing about). Thats who Brandon Letsinger is and that is what makes him great.

  4. From what it seems, these children will end up as a drain on the economy and the profiters on my tax money. Before you even post anything, make sure that it does not make you look like an illiterate punk. Along with that, trying to act all tough by asking if something said is a "threat" is childish and quite funny. I would tell you to just stop posting and save the little bit of dignity you have left but it is too funny to read what you have to say so keep the posts coming!

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