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Posts posted by L.C.M.Fanatic

  1. That pitch that went behind the batters head that you referred to BrenhamFan was a curve ball that slipped out of the pitchers hand. Tell me, who tries to hit a guy with a curve ball? And also one of your lead off hitters was hit when the count was 0-2. No pitcher hits a batter when e coul strike him out. You need to look at the situations thy were hit in before you start calling out a young man for being classless.
  2. You Nederland fans really don't know at all what your talking about. Don't act like LCM's field was playable while everyone knows the field holds water like a swimming pool! One off step on that dirt and any player could get his foot caught in the mud infield and roll his ankle. Not playing was the right thing to do. I know winning the regular season is all Nederland cares about, but what's important for LCM is the playoffs. Which means keeping your players safe, even if you have to postpone a game and listen to a few dog fans cry about it nonstop.
  3. I think LCM can hold off the Indian offense some. Fults has been pitching very well this year and has pitched very well versus a quality oponent in Santa Fe, while Carline pitched excellent versus Brenham as well. LCM has the pitching to stay in this game no doubt. I would say this is a 3-2 type game but since it's at the Gibb a few more runs will be scored by default. But with the new bats runs have no been as premium at the Gibb in the past so i give the edge to the Bears 5-3. They've faced more proven opponents throughout their tournaments to show they are the real deal even without facing any of the big district teams yet
  4. I thought both teams looked very good on defense except for when they gave up the big play. With Sezer's TD run and West Orange would be gaining little bits on the ground until everynow and then would break one for a big gain. If both can clean up that they will be hard to score on. For LCM's offense i thought it has a lot of weapons but the Quarterback play was subpar. But that was the first real varsity action for either QB so hopefully it will improve. If it does there isn't a team that has the speed to stay with Sezer or the height to stop Harmon the receiver. Go Bears!
  5. Do we really want to trade Pence and go ahead and watch all the 15 thousand people who go to the game disappear? If not anything you have to keep Pence just to keep a crowd. Pence brings an excitement to a club that you can't get in just any player. And saying that he is an average player is not correct. He is a very good overall player. He can throw, field, hit, run, and lead with work ethic. He is only 28 so if you could get some decent players to surround him in the next few years you'd be fine. Pence has hit around .300 for a couple years without anyone to protect him! Imagine if he had guys on base with a big bat behind him? And if we somehow do trade him we shouldn't trade him to the phillies. It seems like half our team if from trades or players from the Phillies. WE ARE THE ASTROS, NOT the PHILLIES! So quit trying to trade for every single on of their prospects and build some of our own!?
  6. [quote name="oldollie" post="1008006" timestamp="1304959532"]
    Yeah you are right, The prelims were so bad that was what was on my mind!! ;D But playoff football games, some are played in rain or wind that affects teams, and baseball the wind blowing in or out affects teams, so conditions play a part in all high school sports.

    That's an unfair comparison. In those sports you are not judged on time. Track is strictly time or length.
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