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Posts posted by ac89

  1. [quote name="ICEWATER" post="1093610" timestamp="1319542966"]
    ::)I know WOS will be there with all that HOT AIR. ::)
    You are so dead wrong for that one, you know dang well who starts the smack talk and that's you Raiderettes! HAHAHAHA I still wanna know where AC89 has been did he take a vow of silence to become a buddhist monk !!!!
    [/quote] Confucius says baseball wrong, man with for balls can't walk. That is about as wise as the buddhist monks made me. Been busy but will be there.
  2. Time for me to chime in from the golf course drinking crown prvided by my good man bam2000.  If we put 50 points on anyone i am sure you would call us bad sports, i will take the title of trash talker.  I think i know what team your son plays for and as i recall there were a few phantom penalties in that game.  I also recall while we were scratching out 12 points you were trying to scratch out a positive play.  I am with demon enjoy your nachos and bring a date.
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