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Posts posted by pinkjersey12

  1. I've been reading this message board for a long time, and today I have decided to voice my opinion.
    When it comes to Tiger9, I know he is looking for the best players to fill his team. When it comes to tryouts everyone must earn her spot on the team. Even if you are a coaches daughter, it doesn't give you an advantage over any other girl. It sounds to me like you are the one spinning the facts and trying to downgrade TIGER9. I KNOW HE IS NOT AFRIAD OF COMPETITION....MAYBE YOU ARE?? It sounds like your daughter did not make the team so you are upset. As for his DD, she was good enough to play on other gold teams but chose to play for the Shockers. So quit knocking on what you don't know.  Tiger9 had nothing to do with picking her on the Gold team, as he is not the coach. So, why even bring up his DD in this? There was no need for that. Also, you are the one that keeps bringing up the GT Shockers on this thread. If you are concerned with the Blast write about them, and not the Shockers!!!! He is only trying to do what is best for his team, as all the teams are doing. Keep your negative opinions to yourself, and let each person decide where they want to play.
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