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Posts posted by mercedes

  1. we worked out during the off-season and worked out hard to build our strength to be able to compete. the coaches did not work our butts off during the season. the kids today look they are worn out when they played the competitors. they simply run out of gas because their legs are tired and they are not able to compete up to their abilities. we had a trainer named mr mac that made sure we were ready to compete on game days   
  2. it may not be the coach or the kids  or talent but what needs to happen is the kids need to able to have fun playing the sport instead of always trying to please mommy or daddy with trying to do to much to win. i know most of the coaches and parents of these kids and i was once one of those who played and coached in the hf glory days. we never were favored to win but we did because we enjoyed playing for our school pride..    p.s. we didn't have to lift weights all year long or run extra but we were ready when the lights came on to compete you have to let these kids have fun and rest for their bodys and mind to be prepared to compete. lifting 5 days a week is a bit to much for these kids they are miserable and hate going to athletics and you new coaches should know this. 
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