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Posts posted by tam2121

  1. Somebody stuck that money in their pockets. Anytime you host a Track meet and you can only open 4 lanes because the rest are in such bad shape,that's pathetic. That should have been one of the first things you worked on. Where are the new restrooms that they were suppose to build at the stadium? I'm tired of trying to use the restroom using one hand to pull my pants down and the other to hold the door so nobody will see me with my pants down.

  2. Actually, two people that always attends Wo-s games. One use to play football for Wo-s even. Just disgraceful. I think some of these people have taken these jobs just to say they have an important position because they haven't done jack since they have been there. They can't say they feel academics is what they are most concerned about because they have done nothing in that area either. I think Wo-s needs a clean slate. All the current needs to go and get some new blood in there.

  3. tam2121. this lindsey kid will be up there with the elit running backs that the mustangs have had over the years ,he has what it takes a very smart kid one that coaches love to coach. now i will pick vidor as the dark horse

    I know, I watched him in the 8th grade, then again I watched him as a Freshman playing on the 9th grade and JV teams and he kept doing jaw dropping moves at runningback. His running style reminds me alot of Tootie Warnell. Can just change directions and bust through a hole so quickly. He plays pretty good defense for a kid that isn't very big also. If he keeps working, he will definately be one of the best Wo-s have ever seen.

  4. I just came back from the Track Meet and it was total domination by Wo-s boys. They had someone come in first place in just about every race. Trey Franks had no competition in the 100 meters. The two Silsbee guys are fast, but they couldn't push Franks. Mark Roberts nearly qualified for regionals in the 100, but Barnes from Silsbee nipped him at the tape. Wo-s girls won most of their races also. The reason I feel it was difficult for them to win the meet is because they just don't have enough girls competing in each race. There was too many races where there was no one for Wo-s competing. Good and exciting meet.

  5. Reggie Garrett will be making some headlines before his career at Wo-s is over. He has an extremely strong arm and probably is a more accurate passer than Hypolite. Watch out for him at QB and the receivers he will have to throw to will be scarey. You have Haynes, Trey Franks, Mark Roberts and Reggie Simmons( Quinny and Depauldricks little brother). Reggie can also run with the ball. If they can gel together, this might be one of the most explosive offenses Wo-s has ever had.

  6. From a Gilmer Fan on 3A

    WOS has been a top team for years in bith 3A and 4A. Gilmer has been a top team for years also. Gilmer is known for it's offense and WOS is know for defense. I think the Gilmer offense is strong enough to score three touchdowns on WOS and might be able to get four. If WOS holds them tto 3 TD's, WOS wins. Anything more and Gilmer wins because I don't think WOS will score more that 24 points.

    I think the most important part of this game will be how well the Gilmer defense performs. If they can hold the WOS running game in check, they can win.

    WOS will not score 24, they will score 28. But Gilmer scores 38, mark it down.

    You will not score 38 against this defense. You won't even score 28...mark it down.

  7. he knows the program. this young man is a winner


    Pee Wee Division   9am Lumberton White Vs Ned Gold

                            11am WO-S Vs Lumberton Red



                             3PM KOUNTZE VS. LUMBERTON WHITE


                             7PM  NED. BLACK VS. NED. WHITE


    My nephew plays on the Wos blue Senior team. They are undefeated and has only been tested by Nederland. These young kids are super talented. Wos football will be great for years to come. Everybody come out and support these kids, they really play some good football.

  8. I am so sick of people seeing a team and saying oh they are big. Size doesn't hurt Wos if the other team doesn't have blazing speed to go with it. Most of the big teams that have played us is holding their sides and getting off the ground very slow by the end of the second quarter. I'll take speed over size any day.

    I know some women that would argue that. ;D

    I'm sorry, that was bad, but I just couldn't resist. ;)

    LOl I'm a female and size doesn't matter if you don't know what to do with it. Lmao. Now you made us totally get off subject here.

  9. there's also a stud qb waiting in the wings and will be highly sot after. he 's only a sophomore and plays in games when we are up by a bunch. wears the # 12, with the last name Garrett. Congrats to these three on there production up to this point.

    Yea, as great as Hypolyte is, we won't miss a beat with Reggie Garrett. Poise under pressure, a rifle for an arm and might have better speed than Hypo.

  10. Three West Orange-Stark Players on Radar   

      By Burnt Orange Beat Staff


    Posted Nov 22, 2008 

    The West Orange-Stark Mustangs handled Caldwell Friday night at WoodForest Stadium in The Woodlands by a score of 37-7. The Longhorns are recruiting three West Orange-Stark players in junior CB/WR Trey Franks, junior WR James Haynes and stud sophomore WR Mark Roberts. Burnt Orange Beat was there to scout all three prospects.

    Trey Franks is 5-9, 170 with legitimate 4.5 speed and quicks. He played with a cast on his arm Friday night. Trey’s brother, Kerry, played at Texas A&M and his brother Jacoby played at Texas Tech.

    James Haynes is 6-1, 185 and runs a legitimate low 4.5's. Haynes is an exceptional leaper. Haynes took an unofficial visit to the Texas-Oklahoma State game. Texas Tech has already offered Haynes.

    Wide receiver Mark Roberts is 6-3, 185 and runs in the 4.5's. Roberts is one of the top sophomores in the state of Texas.


    I'm telling you Mark Roberts will be something special before his career at Wo-s is over. Teams already knows it that's why they are getting an early jump on recruiting him. I watched him as a Freshman and in my opinion he was already better than most of the receivers we had on varsity. He should get alot more passes next year. The Reggie Garrett to Mark Roberts tandum will be deadly. The scary part for other teams is that they will also have Trey Franks and James Haynes back as well. Throw in Darius Robinson and Freshman Britton Lindsey in at running back and Wo-s might be even better next year.

  11. I left very impressed with #8 Kevin Robinson.  He is listed @ 5'7" 160 lbs, and plays strong side end like a monster, and you know that the rule of thumb is to take 10 lbs. and 2" off of whatever the rosters has.  He plays textbook football, and with a lot of heart.  My son is 10 years old and plays the same position for his little league team.  He is also tiny, and I kept telling him, watch #8, that is how you play the DE son.  One play he took on two blockers, and still made the tackle for a loss on the QB.  This young man is BEAST, he leads the team in tackles from the defensive end spot, how often does that happen?

    Yes, Robinson is a good one. Terry Rubin has also been very impressive at noseguard. He's about the same size as Robinson and stays in the backfield. He's only a junior too, so we'll have him back next year.

  12. WO-S's sophomore QB Reggie Garrett may be the best QB we've ever had if he adopts the Mustang attitude.

    Yes, Reggie Garrett will be a great one. This kid could have started for most teams as a Freshman. He never gets rattled under pressure and can throw the ball as well as run. Look out for Mark Roberts at Wr. The tandem between him and Garrett as Freshman was unstoppable. Look out for Darrius Robinson at RB and if the coaches decide to play Freshman RB Britton Lindsey on Varsity next year...look out. The Mustang running and passing game will be deadly. Britton will probably go down as one of the best backs that Wo-s has ever had.

  13. Yea, I like when they use Adrian Steen at TE he usually catches anything that's thrown to him and when he starts catching it, it causes the safeties to play closer to the line leaving their corners one on one with our speedy receivers. That's when teams start getting beaten by the long ball against us. I have to say that Hypo have greatly improved with throwing throwing the long ball. Last year he would overthrow just about everybody, but this year he has shown some touch on his passes. I hope I didn't jinks him, but he has improved alot.

  14. It's funny because when people start talking about how good a team is they start talking about how their offense does and how many points they can score. What teams don't realize is that Wo-s isn't just a outstanding defensive team, their offense can score on one play. So I think most teams realize that they won't score many points on Wo-s, but the real question they should be asking is how will we stop their offense. I think Wo-s offense this year is very underrated. It's not often that they have to punt the ball.

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