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Posts posted by Doginal

  1. [quote name="AnyGivenFriday" post="1350189" timestamp="1354805352"]
    Woulda, coulda, shoulda. Typical Nederland football. They choke in the fourth quarter when it's time to kick it into gear. Sounds like poor conditioning to me...

    Hey at least we have a very impressive playoff history. Looking at the History books do not see alot of entrys for Georgetown.....
  2. anyone who was at that game last night know Dawson was luck to have even been in that game at the end. Nederland Defense dominated for 3 quarters and then a phantom hands to the face penalty after a good Bulldog stand on 4th down extended their drive allowing them to make their second touchdown. Then to add insult to injury the game clock expired before they kicked the game tying field goal. Nederland had to beat the refs at  the endof this game and won this game twice. Luck had nothing to do with shutting out a talented but undisciplined Dawson team. We didnt get to this point in the playoffs by luck. Face it Nederland Bulldogs are good!
  3. Does anyone know where the Junior Baseball Sectionals will be at? I looked at the eteamz website and they didn't have it

    RedBird5, District 12 is holding the Sectionals for Juniors. I don't think the DA has confirmed what park will host. I would guess maybe West End/Amelia field. I will post when I find out.

    Ok thanks, Vincent Beck Stadium would be nice.

    did they ever set where the juniors are playing?





  4. Not to take anything away from central but their big plays were busted plays that ended up working out, receivers covered well then quarterback scrambles for 10-20 yards or hail mary type passes. They probably had as many stops for losses as positive plays. On the other hand Ned could not pass on the speedy corners of Central we abandoned the run and short passing game. We need to get better at mixing in the short and intermediate passes with the run. Also mix in a different formation every now and then. I realize we run the spread but line up with the QB under center and a TE just to through a wrinkle. We are predictable.


  5. please tell us again what makes your team better this year, Than the 2 previous or is it that you think BC is just not as good as they were so you feel your team will win one finally. :roll:

    How many of you got to vote in my poll before it was removed by the moderators?

    :wink: The numbers were overwhelminlgy YES balla is the most annoying poster on this board I hope he takes the bet as I too would leave this board if Kville beats BC

  6. Who is tired of reading all of the uneducated post from Kvilleballa?

    He gets on threads that have nothing to do with Kville and talks about how his team is going to beat Bridge City. Well they might :wink: if they do they will officially be the champions of Kirbyville. Balla give it a rest. I think you have gotten the most votes for the most annoying poster on this board. Just shut up and be proud of your football team. They are good but how good still reamins to be seen.

    Late :P:P:P

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