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Posts posted by bh68

  1. Hey, the ref's were bad on both sides. We watched as Central would drag our defensive guy's down from the back. I know we got some calls our way but so did ya'll. In case you didn't know when ya'll kicked the field goal ya'll broke the huddle with 12 players, which is a 15 yarder. The ref's in general (not all of them) but in general, are not very good. To me most don't even know the game. You think the ref's were bad last night, you should have seen the ones we had at GP. Anyway I thought the ref's sucked equally as bad for both teams.

    I want to say this though, Central has some great talent and speed. We haven't faced that kind of speed and talent in many years, if ever. I hope ya'll go on and win it all, so good luck to you. I'm also very very proud of our kids, they played with a team that has twice the school enrollment we have and they played with a team that had some outstanding talent ( college talent ). Be honest guy's, ya'll thought ya'll would beat us by 30 points. Anyway I'm proud of what our kids did this year, we have the smallest 4a enrollment in the State and we beat or hung in with some great teams this year. Love ya Eagles!

    Good luck to the Jags, hope ya'll go all the way!

  2. Great game Eagles! It's hard to put in words how we feel about this team. Ya'll overcame a lot tonight to pull out this win, and we couldn't be more proud. Way to go team.

    Hey SFA85, since your bringing up the past, let's go back to 1985. SFA is ranked, I believe, #7 in the state, I doubt BH was even in the top 50. Ya'll came over to play us, and were supposed to wipe the field with us. As I remember you came over on a chartered bus. We beat ya'll that night 7 to 0, and pretty much owned ya'll all night. SFA had a chance to score when they got the ball down to our 10 yard line with around a minute left to play, we hold them on four downs and take the game. The greatest game I ever played in.

    None of that matters now, what matters now is our Eagles are district champs first year in 4a. GO EAGLES!

  3. I really don't think we played that bad of a game. CE KING is pretty darn good. They have given everybody problems not just us. They have some of the best talent we've seen this year. When a team play's you that tough it make you look like your not playing well. I know we had some turnovers and mis Q's, but overall I think we played them pretty good. We have alway's had problems with kind of offense.

    Keep it up Eagles!

  4. hey 34's dad, I have another bit of info that might make you feel good. I'm not going to say who, but I was told your son may end up being one of the best rovers we've had. Tell him to keep it up.

    These are some good kids we have this year, they are all hard workers. They deserve everything they get, and more. I don't think we've had as tight a group since 1999. Keep it up Eagles!

    Go Eagles!

  5. Hey, 96 I'm with you on being jealous. I also played on teams that could have done a lot better and should have done better. I played for a guy( who shall remain nameless) that had such an ego that he wouldn't allow anyone any glory if it wasn't his direct involvment. So he hurt the program and us kids because of his ego. Oh we were in great shape but there is more to it than just being in shape. 96 the so called head coach you played under, took some of best talent that BH had seen and waisted it because he didn't want to work. I know for a fact that we lost one or two coaches because they couldn't take the sorry work ethic he had, I heard rumor Price almost quit also because he couldn't deal with the way the kids were being waisted. I don't want to go back to those day's.

    I don't agree with everything our coaches do, and I question them from time to time. One thing I alway's try to remember is, I'm not out there dealing with these kids and all thier problems and personalities every day. A coach has to make a game plan based on a lot of factors, and what we see from the stands doesn't tell the whole story. So I try to look at the overall picture. The picture I see is this: Since 1999 we have been to the playoffs every year. We have been to the playoffs when we were in rebuilding years. We are winning at all levels, from football to girls softball. Our school has never been as succesful as it is right now. So looking at the big picture, I'll take what we have now, and forgive them a little when things aren't done the way I think they should be done. So when they don't run the play's I think they should run, I try to think there may be a reason. Hey it's almost Friday, let's behind this team as a whole because they are doing some great things. GO EAGLES!

  6. Great job sticky! I couldn't agree more.

    You know it's been 30 years sinse BH has had a group of coaches that

    have done as much with our kids as these coaches we have now have done. Who do

    ya'll want to go back to, Magalion? Skidmore? Hope? Edwards? None of

    these coaches did anything with this program compared with what has been done the last 7 years. We are not just winning at football, we are winning at everything. How many other schools whould love to have what we have? It seems that other coaches know we have a great staff. One example: I was in Dallas and met a coach from Southlake Carroll, I started talking to him about how good they were and all that small talk. I told him I was from Barbers Hill and his words were" ya'll have a great group of coaches down there, and a great tradition" Oh I guess he doesn't know anything, they only have one of the best teams in the nation.

    You know these guy's aren't perfect and never will be, and if you think anyone else would be you are decieving your self. I'll take what we have now, compared to what we had the last 30 years, thank you very much.

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