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Posts posted by endzonefan

  1. You guys are right Cleveland lost a lot of good coaches............Let' see where to begin??  Tullos, Ricci, Nueman, Belt, Silva, Kellam, Enloe  Not alot left in Cleveland.  Wigley, Taylor, Sykes, Driver, Dornak, Broussard, Rodriguez and whoever the new guys brings in.  Will be interesting to see.  What about the girls program, they leaving??
  2. wow all this fuss about a horn!  To set the record straight the horn blower was not rude.  Simply asked the man to plug it back up.  when he refused then the board member came in to play for Cleveland.  Way to go board member!  That's what i call support!  If the coach for shepherd had a problem with the horn then the officials would have said something to the horn blower.  all of you people pointing blame weren't any where near the situation so you can't point fingers when you don't know the whole story.  Keep blowing Cleveland and concentrate on the future.  Any ways, I think the score settles any argument on who's the better football team.  Push forward Indians!! 

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