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Posts posted by chadnevils

  1. I have been approached to add a  Select Softball team to my Gator Baseball organization. In baseball we play Nations Baseball tournaments at Ford Park. I have no clue to where to begin about starting a team or even if it is too late to start one this year.  Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also is anyone who has managed (not coached) both baseball and softball at the same time? Right now I manage a 7U, 9U, 10U, and 11U, wondering if adding a softball team would be too much to manage?
  2. Strongly agree with Teeboan. I am on Teeboan's Friday night crew and I would like to say that we as a crew were evaluated this past Friday night by a very respectable person that is affiliated with NCAA and NFL. He gave us a B+ overall grade, which as a crew we are proud of. I know this post was not meant to bash officials but we strive to our best for the players and coaches. We know everytime we hit the field that the coach's job is on the line. As far as a physical test, we try to stay in shape to keep up with the speed of the game. As far as me, my Line Judge, and Back Judge we have not been beaten to goal line yet this year. "Knock on Wood". I would to invite anyone who is not an official to join our chapter for one year and try it out if you like Football as a sport. It is fun, fast pace, exciting, etc. but please don't do it for for the money because it is not there.  Remember we do this as a hobby and for the love of the game.
  3. Agree, you can yell and correct but you also have to give praise when it is due. Believe me i do not have a voice after a football/baseball game. I have coached 5-6 years in the past and at that age they respond better to praise verses yelling and telling them what they have done wrong. As they advance to the next level (PeeWee/Jr/Sr) and they know more about the game then you step it up a notch. Just saying, I could see the look on the kids faces when the coach was yelling. They really did not know what they were doing wrong, I my opinion it confused them more because they kept making same mistakes.
  4. I have been involved in youth sports (baseball/football) for 10+ years and never witnessed a coach demoralize a group of 5-6 years as I did this weekend in a Flag Football game. I am not going to identify the team because this is not what this post is about but I witnessed it at the PNG fields this past weekend. Youth sports especially at 5-6 years of age is a time to help kids learn the game and make it fun for them. From the start of the game to the end (even when they were winning) the coach continued to yell and correct his players with no praise what so ever. With STJFL affiliated with USA Football and having to take the courses to be a coach, he sure did not represent STJFL OR USA football in a proper manner. If my son was on the team, I promise there would some words exchanged. Youth sports have really taking a down hill slide the past several years, it seems it more about the winning and the parents. We as coaches and parents really need step back and let these kids have fun and teach them the fundamentals of the game. I promise you the wins will come in due time.
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