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Deer Slayer

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Posts posted by Deer Slayer

  1. Has anyone ever fished Champion Lake outside of Dayton. Any info will be appreciated, ie, speices of fish, lake depth, etc. It is part of the Trinity River Refuge. Also, Pickets Bayou. Many years ago the Bayou was a good place to bank fish. Can you still get to it and if so how?

  2. Jody--Coach Gene Sharp did not run up scores. If he got a lead, he ran guards at FB, RB's as linemen, etc. If you don't have the facts, you should say nothing at all. You could never meet a finer person/coach than Gene Sharp. I know. I rode the bench for him in '68 And '69. Concerning  Dan Hooks, he was at BH in the late '50's and BH beat Dville in '71 or '72 and Pudgy Richardson was the coach. Another good person/coach.

  3. I have read all posts. Just to let you know, at TASO Beaumont we have a very extensive training program. To start we meet EVERY Wednesday night, starting the first Wednesday in January. We review all the rules. This goes on thru the end of regular season, which is late April or early May. We have Saturday training sessions and sometimes on Sundays, if needed. First year umpires meet at 5:00 or 5:30 before the regular meetings. They are required to make the Saturday or Sunday sessions.We have to take a state test which is not easy. We pay $90.00 yearly dues to do something we love to do. The equipment we wear costs around $800.00 to $1000.00 and you are all the time trying to update you equipment.There is a lot of time and money put out to do something we love to do. Now compensation. $ 40.00 per high school game. No matter how long. If it goes extra innings there is no overtime. If the game lasts 3 1/2 hours still $40.00.

    We get $25.00-$30.00 to do little league games. Some little league games are volunteers. And last but not least is compensation from fans who have not a clue about baseball rules but thinks he/she knows it all.As I said before we love what we are doing and we love baseball. So this is just a little about umpiring. Why don't you come and join us ? We can always use more umpires. After all, its for love of the game and the kids.

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