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Posts posted by bmt_tx15

  1. This is like conspiracy theory talk......... 

    Kelly can not recruit players.

    As far as tuition being paid for a player to attend school there............ there are no free rides....Parents have to submit their tax returns to qualify for any type of aid. The tuition is determined by how much the parents make, how many other children are in the family and if the family is Catholic. Go look up it up for yourselves. It is posted on their website.

    Has anyone bothered to see their roster or look at the depth they have on the bench ? The enrollment for the entire school is less than 450...

  2. Who cares if a Kelly coach manhandled a kid. The kid probably needed it.

    Exactly. A good coach doesn't coddle his players. I bet that kid dreaded going into the locker room at halftime.

    A good coach shows instant disapproval at the first sign of wrong doing. Better to nip it in the bud now, not wait until district when the game start counting and your players are still committing stupid penalties.

    OH Yes........ leading with FEAR is so much better than leading with respect. I forgot these kids are in the NFL and not just high school kids.

    Coaches get fired for that type of behavior in public schools.If  I had kids that went to Kelly, I would want to see him gone.

  3. I heard that one of the Kelly coaches manhandled a kid and cussed him out for making a mistake.  I heard parents were in the stands yelling for the coach to stop. Did anyone see that ?

    He did not man handle him. He gave him an old fashion butt chewing because he got a dead ball personnel foul called on him after they had stopped Vidor on 3rd down. This gave Vidor a first down and they scored on the next play.The parents need to worry about the behavior going on in the stands instead of a coach doing his job. By the way I thought the Kelly coaches did a great job. 45 was a beast at middle linebacker.

    If the kid had a personal foul , then he should have set the bench the rest of the game........... I wonder where he gets his behavior from if the coach is meeting him halfway on the field and grabbing him by the shoulder pads pulling him off.

  4. “We as coaches are judged, paid and remembered by how 16, 17 and 18 year old kids conduct themselves on the fieldâ€

    Thank you for sharing this quote, but I also think that the way a coach conducts himself on the sidelines is also something people remember.

    If a coach grabs a kid and shakes him because he is upset he missed a play.... a coach should remember they are only 16,17 and 18 year olds. They are not NFL players. Kids will make mistakes..

    If a coach manhandles, cusses at and shames a kid , how will that kid remember that coach ? His football experience ? How will the parents in the stands feel ?

    How could anyone respect a coach who behaves in such a manner ?

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