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Posts posted by BAG FAN

  2. I totally agree JT , Houston is were the eyes are on you and I wish Gold  would  consider those college kids that play Juco and would like to get the exposer to the four year colleges . We have had some come watch during the college season but why just shut a age group out . They have shown they can handle softball and the grades to many four year colleges morgaging there jobs that kids will work out on the field and the classroom away from home .  many do not post on here, but that in itself as a freshman is a big deal.  Highschool and travel ball kids Kids have never put the road time, the large hours between the wieght room and the practice field and still make time to take  care of the tough regiment of college courses,it is a full time job. Guess trying to say there are kids who have just as much to prove even though they have a scholarship to a juco  ???
  3. Number one, find a team that the coach is in it for the kids ,not for his personal stats and look at me I am a Guru mentality .Played for a guy   who had every book, every video, every coaching clinic and yet had little to no sucsess.  The bigger the program doesnt mean the better. I have seen small run programs be much more sucsessful than some of the big boys. A coach that will take the time to work on a individual childs strengths and weaknesses is a coach who will go a long way . Truth is most of the kids we see at the 16 to 18 year range have been molded long before the 18u team takes them over . My daughter is the player she is due to her young years in Nederland Softball,Blast and RR with Terror and her never ending desire to get better and try to be the hardest worker on the field .So to the GUrus out there coaching 18u who think you are the reason a child is so sucsessful, well wake up ...they did the work they put the time in and most of there skills were developed long before we came along . Will also add this ,if your child is the best player by far on a team and has the gola to play at the next level, it's time for a change. Also just because a team has players going d1 or d2  ,it doesnt mean they got them there or even that softball got them there . 

  4. Trout was the first to say congrads and as the year went along I came to really respect his approach to teaching these ladies to reach there dreams Kelly will truely miss him . Only a few wanna be ,envious grown men and one woman had to talk trash and belittle these kids accomplishment . If it applies to you well KMA and if it don't do not be offended . Every accomplishment on this forum can be dissected and picked apart . As I said winners are that, winners and losers try to find an excuse, to why they are not winners .

  5. Anyone on here wh0 dont have there head up so far they can't see daylight ot mabee they just crawled up from under a rock would be the only reason you wouldnt see the digs people made on here about the teams acomplishments . Dont make statements about something you know absolutly nothing about .  Point is you dont have to congratulate just don't post when others are . Other HS teams dont do it, not because they do not want to, but because most HS teams do not have what this one did a special and once in a lifetime bond  with each other . I will say this I will put this team against BH HS any day of the week,   set it up ;)

  6. I have sat back for once and just watch one post after another and The thing I find most funny on here is . .. People belittling a group of girls winning a National Championship . Excuses are like.... well you know everyone has them  ;D So many teams could go out and acomplish a National tittle  ??? But yet not many have done it  ??? how does that work  ??? ::) Some talk about who was not there and never talk about the 78 teams that were . I don't care if you put 78 b ball teams in a tourney against one a  ball team ,you still have to win . And the key is as Trout once said "beat the teams in front of you " Thats all you can do . Does it mean any less for your DD to make all state or other awards in a weaker division ? What about a StateTitle in a smaller division ??? The answer is no you are still a Champion something others can not claim There were so many directions the Intensity could have gone leaving everyone to snicker and say I told you so and so on ,but one thing messed all that up they won  ;D Most on here have class and wished well but a few who just sit on the sidelines and think they know everything ,had to try to act as if it was no big deal (true sign of a real loser  ;)). Take your team and do it ... Oh my bad you dont coach a team you just talk about others  ;) People will always say the best teams were somewere else,  or oh my best player had to miss or we just had a bad game or you just got lucky but all that aside a winner wins and losers make excuses why they did not  ;)

  7. funny thing about this question is ... if you ask 10 coaches in this area ,they will tell you they can contribute to the sucsess of a team like this  ??? Ask the same ten coaches and all will have diffrent opinions of who is the most talented players. That is why there is so many watered down teams in the area . What truely makes a coach the best for the job . I bet UT thought they had the right coach for the job in Softball  ??? ::) Every area has many versions of what they think is the best. and who makes the decision they are notthe best  ??? . I will put this all in a nut shell . Do you honestly think that the parents and coaches from Houston Power. California RR and German Town thought a HS team from Nederland would knock them out of the IFA Nationals ,the answer is a huge  no ,matter a fact the coaches snubbed there noses at us and the coaches  seemed to think we were a joke. well they are not laughing now . Can you do this year in, year out, Heck  NOOOO. I live in the real world and realize this was a once in a lifetime shot . But it just shows  even the big dogs don't know everything it takes to win . Would one great team from this area be great yes ,but will it ever happen ,probably not .but hey you cant knock someone for dreaming  ;) Who is the best Pitching coach in the area?

    who is the best batting coach ?

    who is the best catching coach ?

    who is the best recruiter?

    best catcher ,best pitcher ,best outfielder . I promise in a area poll everyone would not argree on the same person that is why this task is so tough  ???  Again I think this is a fantastic idea but it just has huge hurdles to overcome ???

  8. The greatest thing about this game is ,no one knows everything ,there is no true Guru's and just when you think you know everything it takes to win, you get thrown a curveball. As a player all you can do is trust your heart , believe in your instincts and no matter what your choices are give them everything you got 110%. If you believe.... you can achieve . Bottom line if you do not enjoy it ,you will never truly succeed.    Play hard, leave it all on the field ,but most of all enjoy the ride ,it will be over before you know it ..

  9. This kid showed true heart and was there every time we asked her to be . It was not even a option in all our eyes who would get this award if we won it all . Playing till 1130 pm up at the park at 7 am the next morning asked to pitch against one of the premier org. in the area ,then again for the National Championship ,that is true heart and if I myself never told you before, Shelby you are one special young lady  :o :o

  10. One of the posters on this thread had an out spoken spouse(asst coach ) ,that made the comment this weekend ,they would never let there kid play for us and We told you from the beggining we did not put this team together the kids did. They made most of the choices on how much practice and routine they went through. Sometimes alot of us out there think we are GURU'S and we know the game ???  And sometimes it takes young ladies (premadona's ) to teach us Heart , Hardwork and the belief in themselfs to live a dream . I do agree the timeing was bad ,and I still feel bad for that . But my daughter and Kuhn have played since they were 7 together, and through all the teams includeing HS,they have always been right there, but never crossing the hump even with all the talent they played with. Now with these kids dreams, and all the work from MR. Rossi , Mr. Austin and Mr. Worsham they are National Champions  :o :o And ps .... Mrs. ...... I wouldn't want my kids playing for coaches that let kids live there dreams, let them have fun , let them have an input on team decisions ,and most of all it would be just horrible to have her be a National Champion after only playing three tourneys ....  ::) Oh never mind she was on the team ..my bad .  ::)   To Robbi Rossi and all the ladies on this team with a dream ,Thank you from me my DD ,because of you all, expecially some special girls on the mound ( Cait and Shelby )my DD and Kuhn  can finally be the Champion I have always thought they were  :o

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