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Posts posted by homerun

  1. Obviously the people on this forum name calling and sending negative comments do not even know Morgan Walker.  First of all, he trains this team and his goal is and always has been to teach these kids to be the best they can be. This team started two years ago with a group of AA kids from different teams in the area, with the exception of one kid.  These kids have worked extremely hard to get where they are.  I can assure you if Nations wanted to move this team up, Morgan would have been the first one do it.  The Gladiators just play baseball when and where they can.  Stop bashing this team and Morgan Walker, they have earned everything they have accomplished.  If you have a problem with Morgan, then you should address him personally, but stop bashing these 11 year old kids who work their butts off on a daily basis to become the best players they can be.  Morgan not only trains them in baseball, but also teaches them lessons about life in general.  He is a stand up guy, and I am sure if you have any questions, he would be happy to address them.  You have to remember; kids also read this forum.  Stop bashing them for working hard and being a competitive baseball team.  Every kid on the Gladiators work hard and train daily.  These are the work ethics and goals Morgan teaches these kids.  These kids respect him and always want to do their best to make him proud.

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