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K-9 Fan

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Posts posted by K-9 Fan

  1. Congratulations to Bridge City Boys, their Coaches and their families for an excellent showing.  Congratulations to all of the 9 yo All Stars and their Coaches in the District for being selected to represent your age division and your town.  Each player brought something to the table.  The ability to play on a tournament team shows that each of you are recognized atheletes and that all of the Coaches within your League felt you would be able to step up to the plate and represent!  That alone is an accomplishment you should be proud of.  A special word of appreciation to the Tournament Team Managers, Field Coaches, Fence Coaches and Team Moms.  Without your endless hours of dedication and love of children and the game of Baseball, our children would miss out on learning the fundamentals of baseball, team work, and the ability to finish a winner no matter what the score is.  A late thank you to my All Star Coach from NSLL.  You taught me a lot about the game of baseball and along with that valuable life lessons, I won't broadcast your name, so that all past coaches get the "props" you deserve. 

  2. Congratulations to 9 yo Bridge City Boys, their Coaches and their families for an excellent showing.  Congratulations to all of the 9 yo All Stars and their Coaches in the District for being selected to represent your age division and your town.  Each player brought something to the table.  The ability to play on a tournament team shows that each of you are recognized athletes and that all of the Coaches within your League felt you would be able to step up to the plate and represent!  That alone is an accomplishment you should be proud of.  A special word of appreciation to the Tournament Team Managers, Field Coaches, Fence Coaches and Team Moms.  Without your endless hours of dedication and love of children and the game of Baseball, our children would miss out on learning the fundamentals of baseball, team work, and the ability to finish a winner no matter what the score is.  A late thank you to my All Star Coach from NSLL.  You taught me a lot about the game of baseball and along with that valuable life lessons, I won't broadcast your name, so that all past coaches get the "props" you deserve. 

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