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Posts posted by sportsfan07

  1. Yes, Hj has always had a least 1 really good player in Tennis. The last person they had was Matthew Minick. He graduated in 2007... Last year they had a boys doubles team get 4th place. However, this year I doubt Hj has anyone even place. It is sad to say that Minick was their last player worth anything... and the program is going downhill... They had won district for 20 years in a row until Minick's senior year... But I wouldn't be surprised if Hj didn't have a single player or team place. Wish I could say otherwise...

  2. Well I don't play league, but I try and keep up with things out there... I don't see how Jones or Guillory will lose in Singles... Which is why i give the edge to Wesbrooks. They have a solid doubles core that could pull off at least 1 victory a night. But Shanks could very well win, because i think hes doubles teams are stronger. And I think Cobb has a scary team as well... Should be interesting... Is there any other teams in the 4.5 league, or is it just one still.

  3. Yes! Definitely in doubles... Singles... they may have a chance? I don't know of the singles players in 4.0, but they would get dominated in doubles... Since you play league... I was looking at the mens 4.0 teams tonight... Who do you think has the best chance? And is there a chance for an upset. All I know is that Ron Wesbrook's group won last year... Who will this year?

  4. I have seen most of them play... Shana is good, but she has noone to compete against her, and she isn't as good as Salina was. Then Buna and Kville teams are ok, but not as good as the teams were 4 or 5 years ago. Worthy and Luttrell are not near the level of Deavers... HF haha besides Nix, if hes still there... No idea who Emily is, but from the looks of it, not as good as Shana... I mean the competition is just dwindling... And come on? You have to see it...

  5. If your in High School, you are unable to play for Adult Leagues in Usta. Those are the only real leagues going on in Beaumont. If you are looking for juniors... You will need to play in the SETX Grand prixs that happen every summer....And from time to time they have a small tournament that you could enter. But if you wana join a league, wait till you've graduated and turned 19.... Then you can join... But if you live in Sour Lake, you need to give either Jerry Creamer(4097532653) or Matt Minick(4097826975) a call... They both teach out there and both are really nice guys....

  6. Is there anybody worth talking about this year? I have heard nothing from this area... Except Deaver.... I miss the old days when there used to be good tennis going on... Like most recently Kody Duplechan, Jordan Deaver, Devon Harley, Matt Minick, and many others that used to have to fight to get to the finals. Now, it is nothing.... What is happening to tennis in the area? Numbers are down across the board!!! Who remembers when tennis doubles used to be a tough draw... Now, one or two teams win it every week.... I hope we see a rebound from this depression.... BY THE WAY!!! This is no disrespect to the tennis players now, but the competition is not there anymore... I miss that...

  7. Ok.. maybe yall haven't seen Cole when he's on his game.

    He practices his serve often, but he doesn't always TRY to smash it when he plays. He usually goes for consistency.

    When he gets angry, you better hope that you're not trying to return his serve.

    Yeah it's flat, but you try and stick your 'board' out there and touch that ball when he's trying to serve hard... if you can get to it first.

    You must be kidding me? You really think he has a good serve? Compared to Deaver his serve is TERRIBLE! I actually stand by what i said, I could return it with a board! SLandry you are wrong my friend.

  8. Ok you silly Kirbyville people, I have seen cole's serve and it's really not that good. You act like he serves like Andy Roddick or something. Give me a board and i can return Cole's serve. It has no spin on it. It is flat, just put your racket on it and poof it goes back over. HOW DIFFICULT IS THAT? Oh and if his serve is soooo great, then how did they do at regionals?

  9. The doubles for the past two years have been weak! I don't like to talk bad on anyone, but come on. I remember watching it three years ago, and we had teams advancing far in regionals and state. And it was good competition to watch. Now only 1 team or maybe 2 is good, and i don't even say great. I remember watching it three years ago, and three great teams dominated the area, as well as 4 or 5 good teams. The boyton brothers, Minick/Ludecke, and a neederland team and one of them was named pham were great. These teams battled it out all year, and for the past two years, only 1 or 2 teams would casually get to the finals and then play a somewhat difficult match. But three years ago, you had to fight your way through every round. It wasn't such a walkover like it is now. And those teams this past year could not have beaten any of those teams i mentioned a few sentences ago. Now to the warren team, I will say you guys were good, and congradulations on making it as far as you did. For the other teams, You need some work. Sorry if you disagree, but this is my opinion. 

  10. First off memorial is not 3A. Second off, I laugh at Hardin-Jefferson winning district this year. They didn't even win it last year, and they had Matt Minick. And now they don't have him. Its pretty easy to say you can count out old hj, even though alot of my friends go there. But Minick is suppose to be helping with the team this year, so who knows if they might get someone to regionals, or at least that is what he told me. I am going to have to go with Silsbee in the boys and Kirbyville in the girls. They were dominant this year, and will be next year.

  11. This is what he told me. He is going to play in the Labor day tournament in the Mens open singles and doubles. And if he thinks he does well enough he is going to try to walk on to the Lamar mens team. He is worried about hes fitness and a few other things. But he feels as if he is playing his best tennis now. He is starting to play alot with Peter Neymer and Devin Harley, so he is trying hard to get his level up. I think he could definately walk on, but he is worried about school and fitness. So i guess we will see what happens at the Labor Day tournament.

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