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Posts posted by baseballfreak

  1. The HF player is at home.  He was Lifeflighted to Beaumont.  I don't think Houston was ever considered.  Severe concussion. HF fans at the game are still trying to understand how/why WOS has no certified medical personel on site during a game.  We had to wait 20-25 min for the ambulance to show up.  After the events at WOS in the past few weeks you would think they would have SOMEONE on the sideline or an ambulance sitting at the field like other schools.  They don't have a trainer or a doctor contracted to be there.  Unbelieveable!  The WOS fans that were yelling "Hurry Up" weren't helping the situation either.  >:(
  2. This proves you can't believe everything you read.  Coach Mahaffey is one of the three going to the board Monday night.  He has proven he cares about the kids in HF and has told several parents that he would llike to have the job.  Ask the baseball parents about his dedication to the kids in HF.  He lives in the district and has a son in school here.  He obviously would care about the direction of  the program. 
  3. My opinion-  You don't get "bigger, faster, stronger"  by just shooting free throws.  Parents that don't want their kids in the weight room don't understand what it takes to be a top notch athlete.  If  I didn't trust the coaches in my kid's school any more than some of these parents appear to, I wouldn't allow them to be in the program.  I certainly wouldn't put them in a Little Dribbler, Pee Wee, or Little League program with "dad coaches" who haven't had any training in kineseology or first aid,  or have studied the methods that are tried and true.  Coaches don't do what they do because they just love being told they are wrong.  They want to help kids improve.  I have to believe they are going to look out for my kid's best interest, physically.  But they are also going to look out for the best interest of the program.  Sometimes that may require a sacrifice of what I want personally.
  4. As a parent at HF, (I know that is a condemnation in itself!) I don't think you shoud write off Mahaffey just because he has been here.  I like what he has done with our kids in the baseball program.  I like how he approaches the kids and us as parents.  His approach and the former AD/coach's approach are entirely different.   I think he is a quality guy.  Just because I am a parent that would approve of him as an AD doesn't mean he is not a quality choice.  Check out his background.  I think you will see a state championship in football as head coach/AD as well as several playoff appearances in multiple sports as head coach.  That doesn't happen by chance.
  5. [quote name="hfresident" post="768533" timestamp="1267451292"]
    "HF Spirit"..........the administration is killing it.  We all know what happened during last year's baseball season.


    ???? What happened during last year's baseball season, other than the team making the playoffs for the first time in several years? (under the direction of one of those coaches with AD experience, by the way)  I must have missed something.

    Also, before we start dismissing the experience "in house" because of the lack of success this year, maybe we should do some research and see how those coaches did when they were the ones "in charge".  The assistants can only go where the head coach leads.
  6. How do you know the coach won't handle it?  Just because the coach doesn't dress down the kid there in front of the fans, doesn't mean it isn't addressed in private, where it should be taken care of.  This was a great game to watch if you like nail biters.  I'm sure HF will pull themselves up and take care of business the rest of the season.  Everyone is entitled to an off night, but this better be the last one.

  7. has any other players been kicked out of a game this year? and lets limit this to the golden triangle area. HF has how many? 2 at least? sounds like we have a lack of discipline problem with this program. i know when we played HF players would argue balls and strikes and everthing else until the ump had enough and gave a kid a warning.

    I've seen most of the HF games this year, and I haven't seen the players arguing with the umps or any of them getting a warning.  When did you play them?  As has been said before, don't compare this year to years past.  There has been a changing of the guard at HF...of course sometimes it takes a while to overcome the training of the past. (language for instance)  If you are around kids much, you will know that they will get emotional and make poor decisions from time to time.  Both situations where players were ejected were in reaction to very poor calls by the ump.  I think any one in those kid's positions would have responded in much the same way.  It is not a lack of discipline in the program.

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