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know all

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Posts posted by know all

  1. How many NBA players came off that Duke team.  Just saying we have had some great athletes from this area, some thrived in college and some are lucky enough to play in the pros.  Football I love to watch Jamaal Charles run with football only because he is local and want him to succeed.  The way Jarvis Bernard played in that all-star game, last year how come no one is talking about 3A.  He held his on, but I guess they werent ready because he came from a small school.  To say that Duke didn't prepare is crazy.  I will guarantee you that Coach K watched film not wanting to take the chance on being upset by a 16 seed.  No GOOD coach is going to take any team lightly. 

  2. Maybe not the first half but by the second half they thought man these cardinals came to play.  Man is it that hard for some people to say here is a young man that kept it together and took advantage of a god given talent and made something of himself.  How many good basketball players from your respected schools have the talent but does nothing with it.  All I am saying is we have a local guy playing on a national stage and you guys try to belittle his accomplishments.  I know DV Perkins is in the NBA,  but at 7'0" he could by pass college and much deserved.  No one on here talks about how he got worked over by that Dallas Cat in the championship game in high school.  I think its pretty cool when a local kid does something great because in some ways it reflects their communities. 

  3. DV did you see spears play in high school or just college.  To say that Donahoe brought home the hardware is something spears did not, but to Spears benefit if I am not mistaken wasn't he a 3 time all-state selection.  He was offered a UT scholarship but that didn't work out; I would have to say there are some Blue Devils that know who he is.

  4. what if donahoe had the same supporting cast as spears.  i think it would be a positive and a negative as far as debate goes.  Donahoes scoring would have been down obviously having Troop and with walters, anderson and shroeder that was some size.  I dont know if Donahoe would have thrived as much with these guys as he did in 07.  Still wouldve been fun to see Troop, Donahoe and spears on the court with Lance and Big Tim or Aaron.

  5. hey kenny me and my cousin were talking the other day and we had a little debate.  Question was who was better Kenyon Spears or Ryan Donahoe.  Now being I was in school when Spears came through and him being older than me, I would say Spears.  Donahoe was a great scorer and led a mean press.  I was just wondering if my answer was a little biased because I grew up knowing and watching him play little dribblers.  Anyone from HJ can weigh in, just a little fun debate.

  6. Hey spinks I remember him taking off from about 2 ft in side the free throw line and a certain hawk got caught underneath him.  The game footage was cool.  Play it in slow motion and in mid flight a camera flashed and it looked like the Jordan symbol on the wall.  I remember that game like it was yesterday.  I couldn't wait for them to come play at our place, and when we got off the baseball bus to watch the game he had broken his arm and didn't get to play.  Any news on where he ended up playing or what happened to him.  By the way you who shot the three ball better me or you.

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