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Posts posted by STATECHAMP07

  1. i listened to the game on here but did not get to make it there. :( sounded like it was a great game our hats should go off to the team and the coaches for making it there and playing a great game and having a great season. the way things have been going tfor our basketball program we will probably be there next year also. h-j is know for a good basketball team and outstanding coaches this will not be the last time that our team gets to play in the drum

  2. it was a great win and yess it is the coaches call. and for the record we never sat on the ball in 07. we went for the kill every game. they are playing great ball right now and deserve all they are getting. they are not gettin anything handed to them at all. the refs. suck in every game and they have to deal with that also so my hat goes off to the team.(they deserve to get another ring)

  3. i think that hj is going to win this game but could you tell me one thing?. . .i am not a coach by any means but how do the hawks sit on the ball with 3 mins. left in the game and no lead? that is not like sutherland at all! i played on the 2007 team and we never sat on the ball to get there and the hawks are not going to make it if they keep playing like that. you lay to win the game. so could anyone tell me why all of the sudden he is playing like that.

  4. not acting like my stuff dont stink, just stating that we are one of the best teams in 3A ball around the state we have more heart and class than any team in the state and we know how to win a game. of course we can lose it has happened and it will happen again. but when the team gets a chance to win something big that means alot to the team and our small town, they play that much harder to get the job done.

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