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Posts posted by mykidsadog55

  1. This is clearly an example of how the N.H.S. administration is being very unreasonable. They are most certainly not carrying out the will of the people of Nederland. My question is, since there is nothing in NISD school policy referring to unoffensive signs at sporting events, the students have paid money to be spectators at the game, the majority of students have not been instructed to not bring a dry erase board, and there is nothing offensive on the board as well as no rules being broken, can the students be disciplined in school? Hmmm...might be a legal issue there. I can see the kids being kicked out of the game okay on the grounds that something offensive was written on the boards, but if nothing offensive was written what is accomplished by kicking out your student section? Oh yeah, helping the other team. I can tell you this much, if my son wasn't on the floor playing and "the man" attempted to take disciplinary action against him for supporting his team with a harmless dry erase board, I'd be complaining in that front office pretty quick. I would like a public explanation as to the threat the admin. feels is posed by the "board".  What a joke.

  2. I know for a fact the support of those kids helps my son and his teammates perform better. It's very disappointing that Nederland seems to have developed a "zero tolerance" policy on good clean fun.  Taking away the kids' right to wear their own clothes to school, which was completely pointless I might add, is one thing, but a dry erase board that motivates the basketball team? Seriously? What's next? Are they going to prohibit wearing black and gold to the games? That'll really teach those kids a lesson about having school spirit and being supportive.

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