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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/04/2022 in all areas

  1. "When the government fears the people, there is liberty. When people fear the government, there is tyranny." - Thomas Jefferson
    3 points
  2. God bless America. I DO believe in free speech, but seeing all these actors post this anti-American vitriol frustrates me. To each his own, but doesn’t mean I have to like it.
    2 points
  3. I agree. Only reason I have LCM 4th is because the loss of Landry at QB. Kid was a heckuva athlete and difficult to replace, much like the Pirates NG on Defense.
    1 point
  4. Thank goodness for some thoughtful traitors, or this day couldn’t happen.
    1 point
  5. Watch these companies prosper, while those that support murder falter!
    1 point
  6. I think I’ve come up with a few things: Soaring inflation Skyrocketing fuel prices Murdering babies Created the KKK Electing a total jackass as POTUS These are a few of the no-brainers, surely there are more.
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. purpleeagle

    High Island Open

    Don’t do it Aggie. Years ago I watched a game when W Sabine played H Island. WS was trailing by 3 points with time running out, WS running back broke into the clear and was running uncontested to the end zone but the mosquitos drug him down on the ten yard line. W S lost.
    1 point
  9. tvc184

    Hagar’s Ramblings

    It isn’t really a time matter. Steaks don’t take long whether grilled, on cast iron or slightly slower, reverse sear then oven finish. Sous vide obviously isn’t for everyone but any real time is about 5 minutes of setup a couple of hours before you eat. The benefit is the temperature you want it such as warm red center and nailing it every time. Then throughout the steak. Oh yeah, and tender. If you want to grind your teeth into a steak in order to eat it, don’t use sous vide I can sometimes knock it out of the park in cast iron coming straight from the fridge. That used to be my preferred method. But sometimes…….. About a year ago I had a couple of ribeye steaks that I was going to make sous vide the next day. My wife on a spur of the moment decided she wanted them today. No resting, no waiting for it to come to room temperature or anything else. Just SPG and straight to the pan. It was a home run, deep into the upper pavilion in the outfield. (left field side) I tried it a couple of weeks later and overcooked it to medium and not medium rare. It wasn’t bad but it could have been a good bit better.
    1 point
  10. Silsbee scrimmages Aug. 11 Livingston 5pm Tiger Stadium Aug. 18 Orangefield 5pm Tiger Stadium
    1 point
  11. 5GallonBucket

    New World Order

    This has been in the works for quite awhile….. the combo of electing radicals(squad) over the the last 10 to 15 so years (add Obama to that list) and the pandemic and the chaos and disruption it caused have all been part of the plan. The election of the puppet we have now has been an added bonus for those pushing this nwo. the elitist of the US are the only ones that benefit from this NWO and they are making deals with other countries elitist. They don’t care about the American people and it’s so easy to see for those not indoctrinated.
    1 point

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