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Everything posted by BMF

  1. i know Ned jr white 0-6 against vidor and Ned jr black 34-0 over east bmt PA black over PA red 6-0 PA white over w bmt 7-6 i think
  2. 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱🤯🤯🤯
  3. DIdnt png purple play vidor on Wednesday? Well play is a strong verb.
  4. problem with tyfa is I believe they are enforcing playing 4 out of 8 games in houston
  5. Ned I don’t want to be the devils advocate but you cursed a lot. Called the bc filmer a n********, and suggested you meet him in the parking lot. Btw, they got that all on video. Hood rat rick
  6. Important information. I could just tell you how to win a game but that’s no fun. Look, take your Prius and your hippy Bernie sanders supporting self and jump on a parking cone.
  7. Lol you’re right. You’re so smart, I forgot all the contributions you make to your league or stjfl. When we want a whipping boy we will call upon the village idiot. That’s you Incase you’re too dense to figure it out.
  8. Lmao you check tape, I was there. When the second half started #23 was in the parking lot playing tag. He only played 3 plays the second half, but it’s about the kids
  9. Btw speaking of hand in the cookie jar, how’s that waiver going? You got a nederland report card, who you playing for next year? Asking for a friend
  10. Check it click clack, go run back to demond. Get your facts straight, we were not there to video you but we did get your little outburst with your questionable language and derogatory language.
  11. Lol when pa red forgot the parade float and dog leashes at home
  12. I think I talked to you today at Vidor.
  13. Nah, I’m just playing, I met two pa black coaches today and they were very respectful unlike the pa red coaches
  14. That’s what happens when you draw a cupcake schedule
  15. Clown, a$$hat, Pngfan, ogre, Indian......the list goes on
  16. Dweeb, classic comeback from third grade. I am a floozy so. My football knowledge dwarfs your iq period. I’ll be dem boyz henchman anyday than put up with your trash.
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